This is the page to which you'll be returning time after time.
On this page, you will find links to every planet and the rising signs as well as the general information I've already covered. The "home" button on the remaining pages will bring you back to this page. I personally suggest that you start with your rising signs and then go through the planets in order from Sun through Pluto and then finally the Moon's nodes. When you get to the planets, I suggest your read the facts first, then the planet in the sign and then in the house, if available. I've set up the "back" and "next" buttons to follow this sequence, so if you want to do something different, you'll have to come back here each time. Please remember that aspects between the outer planets are covered under the inner ones. For example, Neptune Conjunct the Sun is covered under Sun Conjunct Neptune. Clicking on the symbol for the planet will take you to the page for that planets facts. If you find a bad link, I have used a very simple method for the file names. All file names use all small letters-- no caps at all. For the rising signs, take the first three letters of the sign and add "rise.html". So Virgo rising would be virrise.html. For the remaining files, take the first two letters of the planet (use nn for the moon's nodes). For the facts about any planet, add "facts.html". For the planet in the signs, add "sign.html". For the planet in the houses, add "house.html". For the planet aspecting any other planet, add the first two letters of the word "aspect" plus the first two letters of the second planet (again using nn for the moon's nodes.) So if I wanted info for the Sun, I'd use sufacts.html, susign.html, suhouse.html, and suasve.html for the Sun aspecting Venus, for example. Should you find a broken link, please use the email button below to let me know so I can fix it. Thank you!
