The Rising Sign is the sign that was on the horizon at the moment of your birth. As a general rule, if you are born at dawn (or around 6 a.m. local time), your rising sign will be the same as you sun sign. However, this is just a general rule since latitude and longitude as well as whether or not your local area uses any time changes, like Daylights Savings Time in the US, will also play a part in the Rising Sign. The Ascendant is the beginning of the first house, and the sign that your ascendant is in will be your Rising Sign. If you do not know the time of your birth, it is impossible to determine your rising sign and thus you will also not be able to determine what houses your planets were in at the time of birth. The closer to the exact time of your birth you can come, the more accurate your chart will be. Please remember for those who do live in areas where there are time adjustments for Daylight Savings Time to make that adjustment when supplying your time of birth to whomever or whatever program you are using to calculate your charts. An hour difference will change the Rising Sign roughly half the time since the Rising Sign changes about every two hours. (If you were born when DST is in effect, you will need to take one hour off the time of your birth. So if you were born at 5:34 am, it was actually 4:34 am as far as the stars are concerned.)
When you get to the page with your Rising Sign, you will notice a chart that is called Decanates. To determine what decanate applies to you, simply check what degree your ascendant is in and match it to the chart supplied. The planet given is sort of a "sub-rising planet" of your chart.
