You're very positive and masculine in your personality and temperament. Although you have good organizational ability and you're capable and practical, you have sudden and uncertain impulses. You have a good mind that's both intelligent and intuitive, but you're often cold and calculating where your feelings are concerned. If Saturn is stronger than Uranus, you're cautious, cold and selfish. If Uranus is stronger than Saturn you're free-flowing and things of the spirit are more important than materialistic worldliness. If Saturn is afflicted, circulation of physical energy will be impeded and too much rigidity in your psychological make-up and too much self-will will eventually manifest as arthritis, especially in the spine. Your rebellious tendencies need quelling.
Decanates |
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Planet |
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0-9.99 |
Uranus |
You're very self-reliant and prudent. In your early life, you can be pigheaded. Hard work and perseverance put you in positions of prestige. You can be a good scientist since you're inventive and, if Uranus is strong and well aspected, you can be a genius. |
10-19.99 |
Mercury |
Your mind roams the universe while you're sitting at a desk. You're intuitive, friendly and actively curious. Your ideas should be grounded by being used. |
20-29.99 |
Venus |
You're artistic in nature and refined in consciousness, lifting the love consciousness to a higher plane. You can be too cold and impersonal and need warmth to balance you mental power. |
Aquarius on the 1st House: You're original, creative, independent, modest, very confident, fun-loving, people-oriented and friendly in an impersonal sort of way. You want to make your own unique contribution to society, but you'd rather be loved than admired. The source of your power is within group activities in a close circle of friends. Your stubbornness is not apparent, but you can't be pushed into doing anything you don't want to do. You may be a rebel unable to accept any constraint. Although you need lots of physical exercise, you must learn to relax and to balance your work and play or you may have a heart attack.
Pisces on the 2nd House: You can be lax and impractical in professional and money matters due to excessive generosity, but generosity often brings financial luck. You're strongly emotional about material and personal possessions and you love the beautiful and good things in life, yet you're not greedy. Until you learn to share and develop a true sense of values, it's hard to keep your material affairs in order. If afflicted, be careful when signing anything.
Aries on the 3rd House: You're aggressive and argumentative concerning pet theories and ideas. You're predominantly intellectual and your mind is restless, forward thinking and fearless, seeking new concepts, knowledge and ideas. You appear brilliant, but most of your knowledge is superficial unless Saturn is strong. You're intellectually creative and have a talent for writing and speaking and the power to project ideas through these mediums. You can be especially trying in your early years because if you can't dominate your environment, you make it difficult on all around you. If Mars is afflicted, you're domineering, arrogant and egotistical. If Uranus is stronger that Saturn, you're rebellious with strong convictions and opinions. You must learn self-discipline to have true freedom.
Taurus on the 4th House: Much of your financial resources are channeled into creating a beautiful personal environment that includes art and music. You have a strong passion for accumulation and it's difficult for you to let go of material and personal possessions. If materialism and money are all important, you won't have peace and serenity in your later years. You're extremely conservative in your domestic surroundings and your impersonal parental instincts are expressed in providing for your family. Your mother is often extremely possessive.
Gemini on the 5th House: You get pleasure from intellectual pursuits and you prefer intelligent companions with whom you can establish sibling type relationships. You have difficulty showing your feelings and can have problems in understanding. Your children, often twins, may have outstanding intellectual ability. You're not very emotional about your children and enjoy them most when they get a little older. You may have dual love affairs. You're clever in self-expression.
Cancer on the 6th House: You work where there are people and constant activity and you thing of your co-workers as family members. Your work often involves civic or community concerns. You have an unobvious material ambition due to a feeling of inadequacy. You're more emotionally involved with your work than your family or close personal relationships. Your health depends on your emotional state. Your intuition helps at work. You love good food and if you're unhappy in your work, you can be a compulsive eater.
Leo on the 7th House: You attract partners (including a mate) who are powerful and well established and may dominate you. Your spouse is very amorous and has his/her own place in the sun, and to be happy, you must make no attempts to make them into what you want them to be. You're very independent and your strong individualism makes marriage very difficult. You must learn to love from the heart and to cooperate and compromise.
Virgo on the 8th House: You're insurance-minded in matters of health and death and alert in situation where danger or accidents might occur. Your partners help you expand your family income with practical ideas and service. You tend to be overcritical and if Mercury is afflicted, you must regenerate the uses of your analytical mind. Your overcritical nature can cause difficulties in your sex life. You have little interest in psychic or occult matters unless there are many planets in water signs or Neptune is angular.
Libra on the 9th House: Your philosophy and religion are based on the harmonious and beautiful. You tend to marry in a foreign country or marry a foreigner, and your spouse is usually well educated and refined. You're often involved with law or education, especially science, and you like to travel for pleasure with your partners or close friends. If Venus is heavily afflicted, you can be lazy, careless and offensive in appearance. You must balance the inner and outer worlds to achieve freedom of spirit.
Scorpio on the 10th House: You're often at odds with established authority figures. You don't want to dominate or be dominated. Opportunities come through your professional life and you're not satisfied until you make your mark on the world and you do often achieve renown. However, what you want doesn't come without effort and work. You're often involved in the government in some way, or in medicine, where you use your natural healing ability.
Sagittarius on the 11th House: You usually have numerous friends who are famous and/or optimistic and inspire you to great accomplishments. You make no demands on friendships and you resent any encroachment on your personal life. You have a direct, impersonal approach to life and you join many large organizations which help you expand your personality. You're able to achieve your goals and objectives because you're willing to expend the effort and work for them. You're often a leader in humanitarian movements.
Capricorn on the 12th House: You're more conservative than you like to admit and you're sometimes limited by your unconscious fears. Your hidden drive for power must be sublimated into a sense of responsibility for all in need and sickness and suffering are due to serving yourself instead of serving others. If Saturn is afflicted, you must overcome your inherent selfishness. Your discipline enables you to work behind the scenes and you can be trusted with secrets, so you often work on secret projects. However, you often over-emphasize ego, prestige and self-importance, impeding the flow of life. Arthritis results from a prejudiced, rigid or intolerant mind and/or attitudes.
