You're self-confident, romantic, sentimental, emotional, extroverted and courageous. You love to take risks, but you can be foolhardy. You have a zest for life and like sports and outdoor activities. You're impulsive, yet loyal and faithful to those you love. You can be quick-tempered but you can't stay angry. You're stubborn is a sunny sort of way. If others hurt your pride or dignity, you'll forgive but you won't forget. If you get frustrated enough, you may have no desire to live. You have a strong vitality, but need to keep your spine supple with exercise. You have a very great need for love and psychological heart trouble may manifest as trouble with your physical heart.
Decanates |
Degrees |
Planet |
Traits |
0-9.99 |
Sun |
If unafflicted, you're ambitious, fearless, proud and sincere, but others must avoid damaging you dignity. You have good vitality. You're a good friend and a terrible enemy. Ridicule causes both parties anguish. |
10-19.99 |
Jupiter |
If you're advanced, your philosophical side awakens. You're friendly, sociable, open and above-board. You want freedom more than you want anything else. If Jupiter is afflicted, you often lack good judgment. |
20-29.99 |
Mars |
You have very strong willpower and courage. You're very independent and impulsive. You give more than you receive. If unafflicted, you can unite your head and your heart. |
Leo on the 1st House: You project yourself with dignity, energy and will but you can be abrupt and overbearing at times. You're determined to express yourself when you see fit, sometimes becoming involved without being asked. You have dignity, self-respect, courage and integrity and, if evolved, you're honest, direct and fully dependable. You must learn to use your power wisely because, if you're undisciplined, your egotistical and irresponsible attitude can cause big problems for yourself and those around you. Your virtues and your faults are big. Your self-will must become Divine Will. You're incurably romantic but must learn to give your love to all. You're a great dreamer with the power to fulfill them, but you must never think you're in power.
Virgo on the 2nd House: Although you're particular and exacting in money matters, finances are not a matter of serious concern for you. You thrive on service to others and your greatest resource is your ability to help others when they ask for guidance. Your resources are used for others and you can spend lavishly when you have extra money. You like teamwork in business and often include your friends in financial plans.
Libra on the 3rd House: Your mind is refined, artistic and idealistic and you express your ideas gracefully. You have a strong desire to please those in your immediate environment and you argue only when you're forced to. You meet circumstances with a spirit of cooperation and adjustment and you're friendly and just towards siblings and neighbors. You have mental rather than emotional sensitivity. You like to travel in luxury.
Scorpio on the 4th House: You do a lot of grumbling about your family but don't want them grumbling about you. A wise outsider will avoid stepping on the toes of any of your family members. You're extremely persistent and loyal. Your very fixity and determination carry you through crises that you create due to your own gullibility and tendency to trust too easily. However, you're not daunted for long and your indomitable faith keeps you from becoming bitter, and you rise out of the dead ashes of your past with increased wisdom and understanding. You have great inner strength. There's often a great deal of activity in your den or basement.
Sagittarius on the 5th House: You're generous, friendly, artistic, creative and often flamboyant. You're a natural gambler who takes chances for the sheer joy of adventure. However, your health may suffer from living life to the fullest to often. You enjoy giving lavish parties, even to spending your last cent. You naturally understand children and are loved by them because you respect them. You try to provide the best for your children but you may spoil them. You're often involved in sports or religion.
Capricorn on the 6th House: You're intensely serious about your profession, hard working and organized and others shouldn't laugh at you. You're stern in your demands but you're as hard on yourself as on others. You command an innate respect but your will and pride can give you problems with your spine, heart and knees unless tempered by humility. When you want to be lazy, no one is lazier.
Aquarius on the 7th House: You like to be free in any partnership and you want, and take, the right to be yourself, but you must give others the same right. Your instinct to centralize things in partnerships means that, if you're married, you want to know the location of your spouse and children at all times. Your mate is often as individualistic as you and must be given the right to be himself/herself. There's trouble if others try to fence you in, but if they give you liberty, you don't want it. You must be adaptable, tolerant and understanding in all your relationships and you must learn to be unbiased in your emotions. You're humanitarian in relations with the public.
Pisces on the 8th House: Although you don't dwell on the idea of dying, you do everything possible to postpone the inevitable. Men are often pill poppers, even if the pills are just vitamins. Peculiar circumstances surround inheritances and many times they're dissipated before you get them. Your high destiny calls for sacrifice, obligation and a willingness to be bound (you must serve before you can lead), but you must sacrifice your own resources and not those of others. You must learn Divine Compassion before your regeneration is complete.
Aries on the 9th House: Your innate faith in life comes through the instinctive knowledge that all things must originate in the Eternal. You don't want to be suppressed by traditional religious forms and may be a trail-blazer in metaphysical ideas. You tend to crusade for your ideals. Your creativity is often expressed dramatically. Your self-assuredness strengthens the timid and maddens those who seek your innate power.
Taurus on the 10th House: You desire prominence and wealth and earn money primarily to support the high standard of living that befits your dignified self-image. Since substance is the outer result of inner faith, you attract material things due to your willing generosity. You won't delegate authority and must learn to let go of prestige, importance and authority.
Gemini on the 11th House: You cultivate diversity and intellectual stimulation in friendships, choosing friends who are intelligent, ingenious and whose ideas can help you attain the power you seek. You make friends easily, especially with younger people, because your nature is very appealing and you never quite lose your wonder with life. You have a keen sense of humor and the ability to laugh at yourself. You can't hold a grudge for long.
Cancer on the 12th House: Your great pride won't permit you to show how deeply your feelings are hurt by rejection and, since you can't easily express your feelings, you hurt all the more. You appear strong and unaffected by criticism, but you're actually very sensitive, moody and emotionally vulnerable. You seek privacy and seclusion in your domestic environment, using your home for contemplation and spiritual searching. There's often a karmic involvement with your mother that gives you insecurity about love.
