Mars Aspects to Saturn
Note: For semi-sextile, read the sextile. For semi-square, read the square. The same traits and characteristics apply, but they will not be as prominent, as pronounced or as influential as they are with either the sextile or square.

Mars Conjunct Saturn: This aspect is good for those in the military or in situations where caution and prudence is needed in the face of danger, but these same people begrudge others their easier lives. You're capable of hard work, enduring strength, resourcefulness and courage, especially in difficult or dangerous situations. You experience considerate suffering, often due to a physical handicap or accidents. If afflicted, you're prone to broken bones or skin/teeth problems. Unless well aspected, you tend to be angry, malicious and violent, stemming from a negative attitude and resentment. If heavily afflicted, you can be deliberately destructive, dictatorial and/or oppressive. You often suppress your anger until you explode. You tend to be rigid and musclebound and, in a weak sign, lazy and unambitious. Your good organizational ability, sense of economy and judgment enable you to take sound action despite poor timing and a conflict between wanting to act and being afraid to do so. You find it hard to control your energy flow. You have an extraordinary ability to make enemies and, if afflicted, you may develop a persecution complex, sex or health problems related to the sign Mars occupies. You may be denied ultimate power because of abuses in the past.
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Mars Trine Saturn: You have great strength and stamina under stress and are able to endure hardships, danger and heavy responsibility. You're organized, disciplined and able to work hard to gain power and authority by serious and purposeful action. Energy is seldom wasted and produces the maximum useful results. Your tremendous willpower is applied with systematic patience and you attain much success as life advances. You're active and ambitious, especially in business, and often possess engineering skills. You have sound, practical common sense and keen judgment. You tend to get involved in things that control large quantities of people. You have daring, patience and skill in action and know when to fight and when to retreat. Home, family and the respect of others are important to you.
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Mars Square Saturn: You can be austere, callous and harsh and usually won't go out of your way to help others unless you gain by it. Your actions are frequently frustrated, leading to negativity and resentment and you must overcome these. Conflict and hardship will transform your consciousness and redeem your past, and willingness to take discipline will set your soul free. You can be physically violent (or a victim of the same) or suffer an early loss of a parent. You may also experience physical hardship, broken bones and accidents, often in the workplace where harsh, dirty or even dangerous conditions exist, possibly even resulting in your death. You have health problems related to the signs of Mars and Saturn. You have difficulty relating to others, especially in partnerships and marriage, and are apt to make enemies due to your lack of gentleness, patience and kindness. You must become loving and compassionate instead of passing judgment or criticizing. Since you alternate between aggression and apathy, you may be severely restricted in your career, which often involves politics or the military. Your actions are not well regulated or properly directed and you lack a sense of sustained purpose. You often fail to follow through on projects you start, often gaining a reputation for being lazy or unreliable.
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Mars Sextile Saturn: Home, family and the respect of others are important to you. You have courage, endurance, fortitude, self-discipline, keen judgment and sound, practical common sense. You use your energy constructively, efficiently and practically and you're at your best in situations requiring strenuous work and physical discipline. You're active and ambitious, especially in business, and have mechanical ability and precision in workmanship. You achieve much success as life advances. You're organized and, combined with a Spartan attitude toward life, can appear too cold and austere. You become involved in anything that controls a large number of people. You know when to stay and fight and when to beat a strategic retreat.
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Mars Inconjunct Saturn: You find it difficult to maintain an easy flow of energy and often lack purpose and have a tendency to drift. Your enthusiasm and interest in new projects (often initiated by you) soon wears off. You also find it difficult to cooperate with others-- you either think they're more talented and capable than you or that you're the only one who knows the proper way to do things. It's not easy for you to determine where your responsibilities lie.
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Mars Opposite Saturn: You alternate between aggression and apathy, often lacking purpose and having a tendency to drift. Your enthusiasm is sudden, but doesn't last long. You need to gain an inner respect for the stabilizing quality of Saturn. In order to learn to channel energy properly and finish what you start, concentrate on matters related to the house Saturn is in. You're often frustrated, oppressive, resentful and often use aggressive, violent actions to hide your fear of personal inadequacy. Your attempts to act are thwarted by others and your professional ambitions are often stifled by misfortune or by those in authority. You may seek status or power in destructive or undesirable ways or be the victim of others doing the same. You may have problems with joint finances or corporate resources, resulting in strained relationships. Relationships with your parents, especially your father, are not good and you may lose a parent early. There's some possibility of physical violence (done to you or by you) and in extreme cases, you may be cruel or tend toward criminal activity. You won't go out of your way to help others and they won't help you. You may have psychological difficulty in reconciling your masculine and feminine sides.
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