Mars in the Signs

Mars in Aries (Dignified): You're headstrong, strongly sexed, accident prone (since you're always in a hurry), highly competitive, ambitious and self-assertive (you have a great desire to be first). You act on your ideas with lots of drive and initiative, but may lack the lasting enthusiasm to follow through. You're relatively free of environmental influences and won't tolerate opposition or interference. You're capable of lots of physical and mental activity and can often inspire others into action too. Women tend to be too masculine and dominating. You have strength of character, frankness and a love of independence. If afflicted, you can be egotistical, aggressive, angry and may have a violent (but short-lived) temper. You need to change your irritability and restlessness to patience and learn to relax. You like to be in the driver's seat and find it difficult to compromise. You have the ability to and liking for working with machinery. Routine bores you but you must learn to think before you act or your actions could lead to danger and/ or mistakes. Small cuts and burns are almost inevitable and you often receive head injuries or run very high fevers.
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Mars in Taurus: You're extremely possessive, jealous and stubborn, yet patient and persistent. Much of your energy is spent making money because the security it gives you is important. You have strong pride and acquisitiveness but, if afflicted, possessions may be too important. You must overcome over-possessiveness and selfishness by learning to share. You're a hard worker with considerable practicality. Money is as easily earned as it is spent since you can be self-indulgent. You're a good craftsman/artisan, often working in metal or stone. You judge others harshly, but you'll fight injustice to the bitter end. You're temper is slow to arouse, but it's seldom easy to control. If afflicted, you may be violent when angry. You are not very aggressive but can fight if forced to. You have great perseverance once you decide your course of action, but if afflicted, you tend to be restless. You can be preoccupied by sex if afflicted. You're very sensual and earthy.
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Mars in Gemini: You're alert, energetic, lively, ingenious, observant, resourceful, talkative and very restless. Your tongue is caustic and sharp and, if afflicted, your speech can be sarcastic and rude or you may be a gossip or a liar. This often causes problems with relatives and friends. You're mentally active and aggressive and, if afflicted, can be argumentative and irritable, although you have a great sense of justice and liberty. You're mechanically minded and able to do many things well (engineering, debate, etc.) but often go off in too many directions at once due to a need for adventure. You must learn to complete tasks you start and learn it early in life. Your nervous system suffers if you don't learn to conserve and direct your energy wisely. You may change jobs often or have multiple jobs at one time. Your biggest problem is failing to follow through and keep promises-- you may even be untrustworthy if afflicted. Your relationships alternate between deep and superficial and you often need more than one partner for fulfillment.
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Mars in Cancer (Fall): Your intuition is strong and usually reliable. You're ambitious yet timid, tenacious yet changeable, not outwardly aggressive yet firm and calm in an emergency and independent yet very domesticated. You're hardworking, original, moody and, if afflicted, easily upset and bad tempered. You're very sensitive and overly emotional which often causes digestive problems. There is usually strife in your home because you're too aggressive in domestic relationships. You may lose your mother early in life. You want to own your own home and can be a do-it-yourself home repairman. You tend to hold every thing in, letting it steam, until you boil over. You shouldn't drink juice on an empty stomach or eat when tired or upset due to your delicate digestive system. If afflicted, you may be over-indulgent. You're refined yet sexually sensitive. Any type of gadget appeals to you.
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Mars in Leo: You're generous, fun-loving, sympathetic, dynamic, enthusiastic, responsible and have energy, willpower and creativity that's often expressed in the arts. You have a natural leadership ability and don't want to take a backseat to anyone. You have a strong sense of purpose and positive initiative, which you use with determination and stability. You're competitive in activities that are important to you but can have heart problems if you overdo it physically. You have passionate, fixed desires and strong, fixed opinions and beliefs. If afflicted, you can be egotistical, overbearing, over-enthusiastic and may think you're infallible because you hate to be wrong. You have a great personal magnetism and are powerfully attractive to the opposite sex. In love, you're demonstrative, warm and an ardent lover, but can be jealous and possessive. Men exude masculinity and strength and are high-spirited and proud but tend to bald prematurely. You're self-willed but have a general dislike of pettiness and small-mindedness. Your quick temper is easily soothed, but if afflicted, you can be melodramatic. You must develop a grasp of detail and sense of humility.
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Mars in Virgo: You have energy and skill where your work is concerned, especially if you work with tools of any sort. Your work environment must be well organized. You enjoy routine and can perform monotonous tasks extremely well. If afflicted, disagreements with co-workers, employers or employees can threaten your job security. Your tendency to overwork and over-worry can lead to skin or stomach troubles. You get very irritated if others don't work as hard as you do. You're ambitious, but find it hard to be constantly responsible. Your actions are carefully planned, systematically executed and must have a practical purpose. You must not let your perfectionist attitude prevent you from accomplishing your goals or waste so much time on details you can't see the whole picture. You're fussy and highly critical, often over inconsequential details. You're cool, scientific and logical, but if afflicted, can also be nervous, irritable, over-critical, scheming and suspicious. You're idealistic and very willing to serve, but may lack passion and imagination at times. You have very little patience for social butterflies.
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Mars in Libra (Detriment): You're amiable, charming, cooperative, generous, intuitive, perceptive and persuasive but may lack (and must learn) self-reliance. Your actions are socially motivated and limited by your need for the approval and cooperation of others. You usually initiate social activities, often in partnership with others. If heavily afflicted, conflicts in partnerships arise from clashes of wills and arguments. You're interested in new ideas. You want to be noticed and appreciated, but need to balance self-surrender and self-aggression. You seek a spouse who is energetic and aggressive and marry for the emotional gratification you receive. You can be selfish and aggressive or graceful and refined, but you get angry whenever you see injustice. You tend to fall quickly in love and too often need objectivity in your approach to others. You often confuse your own desires with those of others. If afflicted, you can be a stickler for social etiquette and rules of any type. You must use diplomacy and patience to accomplish your goals and not anger.
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Mars in Scorpio: You're efficient, idealistic, probing, secretive, self-disciplined, self-reliant, trustworthy and set in your ways, making it difficult to compromise. You're even willing to fight to the death in defense of a principle. Powerful emotions and drives make it difficult for you to relax. Boundless courage and thoroughness are used to fulfill your goals, whether they're constructive or destructive. You're resourceful and energetic, especially when the going gets tough. You seldom act without knowing what's best for you and seldom reveal your plans without just cause. It's difficult for you to remain neutral and you must learn objectivity and detachment. Since you may not consider others' feelings, you can appear coarse and blunt. If afflicted, there can be intense anger and resentment that's not easily forgotten. If heavily afflicted, you tend to dominate others emotionally. Your powerful sex drive can produce possessiveness and intense jealousy. You must learn to draw to yourself through love, not fear. You may enjoy good food and drink in excess. If you're spiritually oriented, you can have strong healing power.
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Mars in Sagittarius: You're boisterous, cheerful, friendly, optimistic and skeptical and you can be self-righteous or unreliable since you scatter your energy. You're direct and open in your attitudes and actions, but can also talk too much, have caustic speech, or lack diplomacy, especially if afflicted. Your strong religious and philosophic convictions can lead you to be a religious, political or philosophic fanatic. You're a crusader for causes you believe in, but others may resent your attempts to convert them to your beliefs. You usually follow traditional thinking, but tend to embrace the ideas without thinking about them. If afflicted, you may not be able to appreciate others' opinions. You have a sense of fair play in any competition, but often interpret the rules to your advantage. You love sports, outdoor games and the adventure and excitement of far away lands, but if afflicted, it may be dangerous for you to travel. You often act out of idealistic motives, trying to improve the social order. You have a strong sense of patriotism. You have great bursts of energy but little endurance. If afflicted, you can exaggerate and/or want total freedom of action at any cost.
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Mars in Capricorn (Exalted): Your actions are well organized and designed to produce the most in concrete material gain and professional advancement. You're patient, persistent, proud, self-reliant and have a magnetic personality. Your self-control and self-discipline mean you expend energy efficiently. You must have a practical reason to act and when you do, you act decisively. You're able to take orders and implement them properly, but you expect the same from subordinates. You like to be in power and this may cause problems with your superiors. Your ambitions may exclude all else and you may ruffle some feathers on your way to the top. You need to work for work's sake and take pride in a job well done-- laziness and lack of ambition won't be tolerated. You can be extremely materialistic and, if afflicted, you may use other people to gain status and material things. If heavily afflicted, you may totally disregard others' rights, gaining a reputation for being cold, calculating, selfish and materialistic. You have a cold, quick irritability and must develop humor, warmth and humility. You may be separated from a parent, usually your father, and as a parent, you want your children to be someone of importance. You're slow to learn but you really learn and understand when you do. You usually don't explain yourself unless it's necessary. The opposite sex views you more with admiration than love. If afflicted, you may have a problem with broken bones.
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Mars in Aquarius: You're detached, enterprising, independent and intellectual with high principles and a modern outlook. Your leadership ability allows you to meet challenges calmly and with poise, but often creates problems if forced to work under another's authority. You demand the freedom to do things your own way, which is often unusual or unconventional, and to learn from your own mistakes. You have good organizing skills and often a superior level of intelligence. You're determined to achieve your goals despite your impulsiveness, but unpredictable actions can cause problems with friends. Once you learn group cooperation, you can accomplish much more together than alone. Your efforts in scientific and inventive fields can lead to a contribution to the humanitarian efforts. You actively try to reform things that aren't logical or practical, but you may end up destroying old ways/beliefs before you have something to replace them with. If afflicted, you may simply overthrow or destroy rather than reform or regenerate. Sexually, you're experimental and innovative. If afflicted, you may have problems with blood circulation. There may be some tension due to emotional discord and, if afflicted, you can be contentious, perverse, impatient and quarrelsome.
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Mars in Pisces: Your strong emotions are unpredictable and often arise from your subconscious mind or forgotten events, so you may be confused and muddled. You can be highly emotional and tend to cry a lot. You're apt to experience disappointment in love and will probably have two marriages. Your self-confidence and ability to act decisively are hindered by your excessive emotional sensitivity. Because you're self-sacrificing and often influenced by others, it's easy for them to take advantage of you. You must develop initiative and self-reliance. You often lack ambition and may appear lazy and, if afflicted, may have a drug and/or alcohol problem. You're very romantic, sensual, intuitively sensitive and have a restlessness not apparent on the surface. You need periods of peace and quiet to recharge yourself. If heavily afflicted, you tend to dominate others by demanding their attention for your psychological or physical problems. You can be artistically or musically. Your career should allow you to work in a hospital or institution or behind the scenes, where you're at your best. You express disagreements subtly or keep them secret to avoid open confrontation, but repressed anger can cause neurotic tendencies or psychosomatic symptoms. You must learn to let go of the past, and instead of brooding on it, look to the future.
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