Mars in the Houses

Mars in the 1st House: You're very self-assertive, self-confident, independent, positive, physically strong, ambitious, courageous, competitive, impulsive and impatient. You throw yourself into everything you do but only if you want to do it. You won't stand for any interference and if afflicted, you can be so headstrong that you disregard others' rights and take what you want through strength. You have the ability to lead, organize and work hard. You tend to be destructive if you're idle. You're not content to watch-- you must be actively involved. You are prone to accidents due to haste, impulsiveness and a tendency to run personal risks. If afflicted, you can be violent or the victim of violence, such as physical fights. You often have a scar on your head or face. You must learn to think before you act and, if afflicted, to overcome your temper and your ego. You seek recognition and public acclaim. You can accomplish twice as much as the average person due to your strength, stamina and energy level, but only if you apply yourself. You love sports and strenuous physical activity. You're prone to high fevers when sick and men are prone to baldness at an early age. All Martian traits are strongly emphasized and, if afflicted, the negative ones tend to dominate.
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Mars in the 2nd House: You actively pursue financial gain and material goods, often through work in engineering, mechanics, military service or government. Your good business skills give good earning capacity, but you impulsively spend it as fast as you earn it, and if afflicted, your concern with material goods can be excessive, causing financial havoc. You usually start and run your own business and your competitive nature causes you to try to "one-up" your competition. You try to prove yourself by demonstrating your business and earning abilities. You become very impatient if expectations are not immediately met. You tend to get involved in get-rich-quick schemes, or if afflicted in a fire sign, to scatter your resources to the wind. If afflicted to Uranus, you can experience sudden financial losses. You'll fight to protect your personal property and get very indignant when others take what is not theirs. You're very generous to others, often giving away material things to make a good impression or to gain favors. Your voice may be loud, powerful and grating if afflicted.
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Mars in the 3rd House: Right thinking is important to you so, combined with your active, aggressive intellect, you do well in school. Your quick thinking is helpful in emergency situations but can lead you to jump to conclusions. You're aggressive in gaining or giving information, which is delivered with direct, sometimes caustic speech. Your work often involves machinery related to communications. Quarreling in your early home environment may make you high strung and nervous. You are restless and impulsively take short trips or do things in your daily routine. You're a risk taker who, if afflicted, must beware of accidents, especially in your early teens. If afflicted, you can be one of those reckless drivers who gets angry at stupidity while doing the same things yourself. You're a staunch defender of family members, but if afflicted, you may have problems with your siblings, be an only child or suddenly and unexpectedly lose a relative to death, possibly even violence. You have many good ideas, but often don't pay attention to detail because of your intense energy and activity level. If afflicted, you can be sarcastic and argumentative, causing problems in communications with others or problems with neighbors.
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Mars in the 4th House: Much of your energy is spent on your home and home improvements. Your aggressive need for security leads you to actively seek to acquire property for your later years. This you may inherit from your parents, but if afflicted, there can be trouble or quarrels over property and if heavily afflicted, you can have problems with property tax. You want to dominate the domestic scene, causing quarrels, especially if afflicted, and these often involve your parents. It's usually easier to maintain better family relationships if you move from your place of birth. You need to tone down your strong emotions and gain emotional self-control before you find domestic peace and harmony. You also need to repay your karmic debt by overcoming your quarrelsome nature. You often have a military background or many changes of residence and, if afflicted, your mother is active and domineering. You can take an active interest in ecology and environmental concerns. Your house may be in danger from fire, theft or vandalism, especially if afflicted. You may prefer not to marry. A strong constitution and high energy level stay with you into old age.
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Mars in the 5th House: There is an unusual force and impulsiveness to your desires. Your willpower is strong, but you can be foolhardy and self-indulgent. You love to compete, but are a bad loser. You love sports, doing well in robust, physical team games. You're constantly falling in and out of love, and enjoying the experience. You're very sexual, idealistic and romantic and your strong sexual drive demands a sexual partner. If afflicted, quarrels arising from sexual jealousy and impatience can mar your emotional relationships. If heavily afflicted, unwed parenthood can result from sexual passion. You're a gambler, but should avoid any gambling or speculation if afflicted. You work well with children and are often an excellent disciplinarian. If well aspected, your skills as a teacher of children get great results. If afflicted, your children may be subject to accidents, even death, or they're self-centered and not very loving: this is often karmic debt being repaid. Artists who work with tools are favored by this placing.
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Mars in the 6th House: Your self-esteem depends on a job well done and you have little regard for those who won't exert themselves to make a living or are lazy. You can achieve prominence and security in a well-organized and efficient business. You're a hard, conscientious worker, both mentally and physically, and you expect the same from your subordinates. You must learn to control your temper or inflammatory remarks and complaints can cause problems, especially with coworkers, employers and employees. You may become involved in labor disputes. You're mechanically minded and your work often involves machinery that uses or produces vast amounts of power or sharp tools. You can be a perfectionist and over-concerned with minor details, causing you to miss the major issues. Health problems depend on the sign involved and are often due to overwork. You tend to get fevers when you're sick and are prone to accidents, burns and headaches.
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Mars in the 7th House: You're controversial, with a strong personality and a need to prove yourself. You attract legal difficulties, which should be settled out of court and verbal attacks. Everything goes well as long as it goes your way. You're actively involved in partnerships or working with the public, and public opinion and that of your partner(s) is important to you. You and your partner(s) are likely to be aggressive and impulsive, which may cause business difficulties. You may form partnerships for selfish reasons or out of a sense of competition. You often marry an aggressive and dominating mate early or hastily and this often ends in divorce unless you have or develop a mature outlook. If afflicted, your mate is combative and bad-tempered and you'll have problems with joint finances. You must learn tact and diplomacy, especially if afflicted.
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Mars in the 8th House: You're earthy, persistent, lusty, sensual and emotionally intense. Your sex life is important to you. You're interested in psychic matters and life after death, but if afflicted by Neptune, you should avoid psychic involvement. You flirt with, and are comfortable with the idea of, death. Your death will probably be sudden and if afflicted, violent. This placement is good for politicians, surgeons, investigators, psychiatrists, etc. You often deal with others' assets, sometimes in a public capacity. You often experience strife over your partners money or problems with inheritances. Your actions are often secret and, if heavily afflicted, may involve criminal activity.
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Mars in the 9th House: You're curious, enthusiastic, independent and often self-educated and skeptical. You're interested in serious study, but your mind is restless. You love to travel-- mentally if not physically-- but if afflicted, may run into trouble in foreign travel. You actively support education, law, philosophy and religion and promote the ideas you believe in. You often develop religious zeal, or even fanaticism, at some point in your life, and this narrow-mindedness can cause resentment in others. You lack patience to understand others' circumstances or points of view and tend to condemn those who disagree with you. If afflicted, you can have problems with your in-laws.
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Mars in the 10th House: You're curious, enthusiastic, independent and often self-educated and skeptical. You're interested in serious study, but your mind is restless. You love to travel-- mentally if not physically-- but if afflicted, may run into trouble in foreign travel. You actively support education, law, philosophy and religion and promote the ideas you believe in. You often develop religious zeal, or even fanaticism, at some point in your life, and this narrow-mindedness can cause resentment in others. You lack patience to understand others' circumstances or points of view and tend to condemn those who disagree with you. If afflicted, you can have problems with your in-laws.
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Mars in the 11th House: You direct your energy toward friendships and group activities, and you're a social leader and born promoter, but you may be too pushy and demanding. If mentally alert, energy is used for social reforms. You're energetic, enthusiastic and work hard to achieve your goals, both material and spiritual. If afflicted, you're overly sensitive and easily frustrated. You're friends are usually masculine and aggressive and often help you achieve your goals. You must use discrimination in your choice of friends and not over-emphasize your social life. If afflicted, conflicts and quarrels jeopardize friendships and group associations and your impulsiveness in their company can result in your or their injury or death. You must develop integrity and caution in dealings with others and learn to say no. If afflicted you can be dissatisfied with current social order and become a revolutionary, but you should direct your energy to change and improve rather than overthrow the current ways. Lots of energy is used in creative endeavors, and you're original and mechanically inclined.
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Mars in the 12th House: Your desires and actions are strongly influenced by your unconscious mind and you need to be more honest and open about your unconscious anger. Your work and activities are often carried on in secret or seclusion or else in a large business or institution where you can be just another employee. Some association with the law is usual and you work and fight for the underdog. You can act secretly to avoid open confrontation, including secret sexual involvements. If afflicted, you may be involved in secret plots or have/be a secret enemy. If afflicted, you may be in danger of being put in a prison, a hospital or a mental institution, often for political reasons. You tend to fight the establishment creating sorrow, self-undoing and accidents, often due to unconscious masochism. If afflicted, you often suppress strong emotional reactions and must overcome inner resentment and learn to express your feelings in a non-combative way. You may appear mild, but can be a formidable foe if pushed too far. You must learn to depend on yourself alone.
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