The Sun in the Signs

Sun in Aries (Exalted): The first sign of the Zodiac is also the first stage of your new cycle of spiritual evolution. As a child, you need strong discipline to control your abundant (sometimes overly so) energy. You want your own way and you want it now! If you are disciplined too strongly, you become rebellious. You find it difficult to pay attention in school, especially if what is being taught doesn't interest you. This can often be interpreted (sometimes rightly so) as lack of interest, laziness or carelessness. As a parent, you tend to push your child(ren) because you want them to be best (first). Allow them to develop at their own rate. In general, you're full of energy, enthusiastic, quick-witted, impatient and highly competitive. You often initiate new projects but just as often fail to stick it out, preferring to leave the monotony and boredom of the known for new enterprises. Others often see this as unreliability. The thrill of a challenge is very important for you and helps quench your thirst for competition. Your disregard for risks often means you succeed, but your refusal to admit defeat often means even more risks. Be aware that burns and cuts often go unnoticed and may pose a health danger. Quick thought processes allow you to grasp the essentials of a situation, but you often overlook details, reinforcing an attitude of apparent carelessness. Your quick, direct tongue make tact a needed trait. You use your quick wit to get you out of uncomfortable or sticky situations. You're willing to put up with anything if you're sure you'll get what you want in the end. You're quick-tempered and should watch what you say when you're angry. A desire to prove yourself (often through actions) can be seen by others as selfishness. At your worse, this is true and can manifest as anything from lying to avoid inconvenience (and you're a good liar) to inconsideration of others feelings in the interest of speed. Your thoughts often appear erratic (due to your quick thinking processes), but you usually make the right decision if a quick one is needed. You detest any type of restriction and you're at your best when given your freedom. You appear self-confident but this masks feelings of inadequacy. You're brave (sometimes foolhardy), generous, lively and opinionated, but if you're wrong, you'll usually admit it. Your strong sexuality needs a positive outlet and, in order to relate to others, you must learn the lesson of love.
KEYWORDS: Assertive, urgent, initiative, enterprise, activity
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Sun in Taurus: Everything in life revolves around the need for security-- emotional and material. As a child, you should be weaned from a natural possessiveness by being encouraged to share and give things away to others. An inborn sense of discipline will make school and its accompanying rules a real joy. Although you may be a plodder, what goes in, stays in and progress is steady, if somewhat slow. You're natural good looks, charm and sensuality may be dangerous if you're not aware of the facts of life. As a parent, you find it difficult to bridge the generation gap. Your discipline may be too rigid (unless your child is also Taurean). Mothers are very possessive of their children and must learn to let them go. You'll invest whatever is necessary for your child's education (time, money, etc.), but you expect the results to show in good grades and a good job after graduation. Your power is latent and not yet in full expression. Your main task in this life is to learn a truer sense of values and to strive for spiritual truths through practical aspects of life. You're slow, persistent, determined, steady and stubborn, and this usually brings you success. Your strong will power enables you to make long range plans, but you get upset with any changes to those plans, even minor ones. You have your own way of doing things and hate to be contradicted. Others should use indirect action to persuade you. You're direct and your opinions rarely change. You're cautious, especially when faced with new ideas and situations, but your fear of change may keep you trapped in negative situations. You get flustered if not given enough time to assimilate new ideas, which you won't do unless they're of practical use to you. You're kind, gentle, sympathetic and understanding-- a faithful and loyal friend, but also an implacable enemy. You often burden yourself with your friends' problems out of a sense of loyalty. It takes a lot to make you mad, but when you do get mad, you erupt with a fury and can't be reasoned with until you cool down. Possessions and money (and the comfort, pleasure and ease they bring) are important to you. To achieve mastery over physical matter, you must overcome greediness, which is due to a fear of loss, as well as an over-possessive and jealous nature. You view other's affections as a possession due to a deep inner need for security. You're very skilled in business and able to make money as well as hang on to it. You love music and art and excel in any related field. Your sense of beauty allows you to be genuinely impressed with others' appearances, but you often use that beauty-- theirs as well as yours-- as a means to an end. You're usually unaware of inner motivations since self-analysis is not important to you. The power to create on higher levels operates through speech (controlled by Taurus): what we speak is created in the physical world, although not always as we expect or had intended. You must develop your power of speech as you assume your other responsibilities: seriously and practically.
KEYWORDS: possessions, determination, practicality, permanently
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Sun in Gemini: You feel the opposition of the human will and Divine Will. You approach life intellectually, with versatility and adaptability. You flit from one situation to another in order to grow via many varied experiences. You're usually doing several things at once due to extreme restlessness-- you may even have several jobs at once. You don't have much concentration or persistence, nor do you relish the thought of starting at the beginning of one of your big projects. Although you're able to express your feelings well, you're basically unemotional. Your "Don't fence me in" attitude makes you adverse to close and binding ties. Others must appeal to you through logic and reasoning unless there is an abundance of water signs. You like everyone and find it difficult to love only one. You like the feeling of "belonging" to someone, yet at the same time, the more freedom you're given, the happier you are. You have a tendency to flirt and may have multiple lovers at once. You can be inconsistent and superficial. Due to your ability to see all sides of an issue, others often consider you two-faced, and sometimes this is true. You're able to communicate your ideas and love to talk, sometimes too much so. You'd make a great teacher, writer or reporter and an excellent salesman. Whatever career you're in, it should allow you to move about and meet people. You're a nonconformist with tremendous wit and a great sense of humor. You dramatize all that happens to you, often letting your imagination run away with you. You tend to know a little about a lot of different things, making it seem like you know a lot. You're always right and never change your mind-- until the next time when you take the opposite view and deny ever feeling the first way. This makes you appear-- and you often feel-- like you have a split personality. Learn to understand how your mind functions and how to control it and this feeling will go away. If your mind is not properly stimulated, it can become cunning and fraudulent. You're able to talk your way out of any sticky situation. If you're undeveloped, you tend to fuss and nag over inconsequentials and you have no idea how hard it is to cope with your temperament. If you give your body a hard time, you'll have a bad case of nerves and tenseness can lead to smoking and emphysema. You're apt to be neurotic and subject to nervous breakdowns. Preoccupation with yourself can be lost through service to others. As a child, you need lots of mental stimulation and should be encouraged to finish what you start. You hate to be disciplined in any way. You can be a wonderful parent since your constant inquiries foster your child(ren)'s awakening intelligence and you'll ensure that all resources available to you will be used to further their education.
KEYWORDS: communication, adaptability, versatility
KEY PHRASE: I think.
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Sun in Cancer: You live though your emotions and feelings and can't be reasoned with when you're upset. It's hard for you to separate your feelings from your thoughts. You're mothering, sustaining and nurturing, with a strong attachment to your mother and your home. You have a highly developed protective and defensive instinct about material and domestic security. You feel complete when you're able to lavish protectiveness on your family and you'll do whatever is necessary to establish and maintain that security. You tend to retreat inside yourself when you feel threatened in any way. You're often at the mercy of your moods, which are subject to change due to the atmosphere around you, which you absorb without realizing it. You need to control the tendency to moodiness, intolerance and excessive emotions. You suffer from emotional insecurity until you center yourself beyond your ego/ personality. Everything you do is latent and hidden: no issue is clear or direct, not action is forthright or direct. You are extremely intuitive and psychic and your first instincts are usually right. You're extraordinarily sensitive and fear ridicule. When you're hurt, you may behave in a nonsensical manner and, at times, you can be extremely childish and stubborn. You seek sympathy from others and don't realize how self-centered and selfish you can be. You appear gentle and tranquil, but your inner thoughts are difficult to understand, even for you. You're well intentioned, but emotionally vacillating. You have a deep sense of responsibility to others. Physically, slow energy flow can make you lazy and you'll have poor circulation later in life. Due to your powerful imagination, all thoughts of illness may manifest as illness. You'll suffer from ulcers and digestive problems if you don't discuss things that worry you. You must be first with those you love or you're unhappy, and you keep a tenacious hold on loved ones. You're concerned about what others think of you and can have a great deal of personal vanity about your appearance. You can be quite egotistical and won't joke about yourself. You're neat and clean and dislike any activity that creates a mess. You seek to avoid any type of discomfort at all costs. You're diplomatic, have an excellent memory and love to roam. You seldom fail to achieve your goals even if you have to be manipulative. At times, you may shun responsibility but can be punctual, exact, and efficient as required. You're a master of passive resistance and hate being told what to do or how to do it. You tend to live in "the good old days." As a parent, you're warm and loving, but can be smothering and refuse to let your child grow up. Your effort to keep your family together may actually drive them apart. As a child, you're tender, sweet, loving, helpful, extremely affectionate and easily hurt. It's better to discipline a Cancer child by appealing to the home-loving instinct. Sensationalism can hurt your sex life. You need to add reason and discrimination to your life and cultivate courage to say "Yes" and "No" at appropriate times.
KEYWORDS: protectively, sensitively, emotionally
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Sun in Leo (Dignified): It is important to let your Higher Self rule or you can be very destructive. You must gain control over your own unsubjugated forces and relinquish control of others. You have tremendous energy and courage, but you need a sense of responsibility and self-discipline or trouble can result. Your confidence and reassurance strengthens the weak and angers power seekers. You won't delegate authority, so you may die of a heart attack from trying to do it all. You have good resilience and recuperative powers. You have very strong faith in and loyalty to those you love. Once you give your affection, it doesn't easily change. Your spouse must be someone you can look up to and admire. (A Leonine wife tends to assume the masculine role.) There's a strong attraction to the opposite sex that can get out of hand if you don't exercise control. You must learn true detachment by giving love to all. If your ego rules, you can be arrogant, bombastic and egotistical. If your Higher Self rules, you're dignified, self-respecting, honest, direct, fully dependable and have integrity. You can't lead until you learn to follow by allowing your will to become God's Will. Power can create or destroy, so it must be used wisely. You can be intolerant, interfering, pompous and over-dogmatic. Your early opinions, which can seem advanced, are clung to too stubbornly, often making you close-minded. You should make it a habit to reassess your opinions. Your breadth of vision enables you to see the whole picture, but you miss much of the detail. You have large-scale ideas, sometimes too large, but you often succeed since you're not the worrying kind and are a hard worker. You're naturally spontaneous, charming, warmhearted, extravagant, lucky, impatient, outspoken, frank and, at times, overly confident. At your best, you're affectionate, enthusiastic, cheerful, optimistic and bring light into other's lives. You're often sensitive and easily hurt, but you won't show it. You have a flair for drama and love being the center of attention. You'll have some sort of "kingdom" where you'll rule with authority. You seldom get depressed, but you crumble when you do. You're easily inspired and able to give shape to your ideas, which are constructive and steady if not quick. You won't commit yourself unless you're sure of where you stand. At work, you're ambitious, but not ruthless, willing to follow orders if work is congenial and your boss is someone you can admire. Your professional life may become too demanding, leaving no leisure time. In a position of authority, you do whatever is necessary to justify the confidence others have in you. Money is important only as a means to reach a goal. You give generously with no thought of yourself when it is needed. You're practical, philosophical, spiritual, enthusiastic, inspirational and hate repetition. You want others to think well of you and you want self-approval. You must learn to discipline your fiery enthusiasm and overly dramatic approach to life. As a parent, you expect as much from your child as you expect from yourself and tend to be duly disappointed if your child doesn't measure up. You embark on parenthood with enthusiasm or not at all. Be very careful not to impose your exuberance on a timid and shy child. You often spend more on your child than you can afford, sometimes for the wrong reasons. As a father, you can be very dominating. As a child, you may be too full of yourself: the parent of a Leonine child should guide the spirit, not curb it. If you're criticized unwisely in your youth, your enthusiasm may be dampened and you may not try again. Parents of a child with Sun in Leo must show the child how to improve and not simply carp about wrong behavior, especially in areas of control of others-- teach the child not to be bossy.
KEYWORDS: dramatically, creatively, powerfully, inspirational, authority, enthusiastically
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Sun in Virgo: You collect, digest and correlate facts for their mental value. You want to reach your highest potential for yourself and desire the same for those around you. Your inferiority complex is a result of having a greater sense of power than you can express. You find your fullest expression in serving others and in your work. You're constantly learning the lesson of humble service and patience, but you can be cautious and selfish without realizing it. You're good at taking care of endless details and routine jobs. When faced with a problem, you break it down into its components. Many health problems (intestinal/stomach) can result from an abnormal amount of worry with small, unimportant details. Emotional relationships are difficult since it's not easy to express your feelings as much as you really want to. You may remain unmarried out of choice. (Married Virgo women tend to become the heads of their families.) You feel extremely secure in your home. You have a highly geared nervous system due to feelings of inhibition and restriction. You must find a way to relax. You have a quiet, gentle manner and are not very gregarious due to shyness. The hub of your universe is your work-- you place great value on the work ethic. You make a great accountant, bookkeeper or nurse since you have a great appetite for detail. You're a hard worker and extremely practical. You thrive on constant activity, but in your quest for perfection and detail, you lose sight of the over-all picture. You're able to bring order out of confusion and do well in a crisis. You're moderate, discriminating, thoughtful, precise, neat, practical, down to earth in your approach to life and not easily discouraged. Your state of mind has a direct bearing on your health and you can be hypocondriacal if you're too self-centered. You're too critical and your analyzing mind can lead to fault-finding, criticism and irritability. There can be a narrowness in your outlook due to focus on details. You're very demanding of loved ones due to feelings of inferiority, and you need to learn to be less critical and more loving. You dislike anything coarse and crude. At your best, you're caring and eager to help others, but if demands get to be too much, you say "No" and mean it. Your driving motivation is to serve and you will fulfill it. At times you seem standoffish due to psychological barriers and a fear of being rejected. You have considerable interest in diet, health and hygiene. You have marvelous physical resistance to disease once your mind develops discipline. Your body rejects all artificial foods or medicine, and food can be quite harmful when angry or in anguish. You rarely look your age, but must learn that your body serves your mind and your mind serves your spirit. You like good clothes, good food and comfort and often have excessive expenditures. As a parent, you can be difficult due to liking everything neat and tidy and you can be overcritical. You encourage your child to spend their time usefully, but you may be distant to your kids or even lack real affection. As a child, you do well in school but won't accept discipline unquestioningly-- your mind is too inquiring. You're extremely reasonable if what is demanded is properly explained.
KEYWORDS: analytically, critically, orderly, detailed
KEY PHRASE: I analyze.
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