Mercury in the Houses

Mercury in the 1st House: You have an intellectual and inquiring outlook with a strong need for intellectual challenge. You have will-power, mental initiative and a quick wit. You tend to be intellectually arrogant, especially if Mercury is in Aries, Leo or Sagittarius. Your mind is alert and notices almost everything around you. You approach personal affairs rationally and act reasonably and logically. You have writing ability and a talkative nature-- both help to fulfill a need to express yourself verbally. If well-aspected, you can be eloquent. If afflicted, you may have some sort of speech impediment. You're curious, adaptable and usually have above average intelligence. You're always on the go. You're thinking is self-centered and you may feel your thoughts are the only important ones. You find it difficult to understand others' feelings and may speak before you think.
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Mercury in the 2nd House: You value only what can produce practical, concrete results. Your mind is preoccupied with business and monetary affairs and you have original ways of making money. You pursue higher education to increase your earning potential. You have business ability in communications fields and good bargaining powers can make you an aggressive and good salesman. Depending on Mercury's sign and aspects, you can be either tight-fisted or extravagant. Your financial affairs are methodical. You're able to make quick decisions. You may work with relatives in business.
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Mercury in the 3rd House: You're mentally original and agile, very intelligent and curious, restless and have an accurate, quick thought process, good reasoning and conversational skills, fondness for studying and literary talent you can use for fun and/or business. Your career should keep you on the move and be mentally stimulating-- you're attracted to research and investigation. If afflicted, you may overdo, over-work or over-worry, frazzling your nerves and possibly developing intestinal/stomach problems. The affairs of your siblings and family members are very important to you and there's much communication between you and them. You may even work for a relative. You do well in all communications fields. If afflicted, you may exaggerate or even lie. You may make many short trips. You're good at finding practical solutions to all sorts of problems. You shouldn't smoke. Learn to filter your experiences through reasoning and not emotions. If afflicted, you may speak rashly or have problems with false, incomplete or erroneous information: read all documents before signing them.
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Mercury in the 4th House: You have forethought, determination, economical thinking and a retentive memory. You're interested in your ancestry and you're proud of your family. Your parents are probably educated and cultured. You have a rational attitude toward parenthood, but may be anxious about home/domestic affairs. You love antiques and may be a collector of communication related memorabilia. You'd do well in professions/careers dealing with the earth. You'll probably have a lot of activity in your home, possibly even working out of it. You may have a relative living with you or might change residences often. You enjoy intellectual pursuits with your family, but if afflicted, there can be intellectual disputes or disagreements with them. You do much talking on the phone. You may be over-domesticated. If afflicted, you're easily irritated, high-strung and can be nagging. You need to learn to relax and not let trivial matters bother you.
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Mercury in the 5th House: In your early life, your mind is centered on love affairs, pleasure and artistic pursuits. In your later life, your mind is centered on the children of your mind, emotions and body and you're concerned with and proud of your children's accomplishments. Despite your love of children, you may not have many of your own. Your thinking is creative, your self-expression dramatic and your speaking ability is good, but you can be autocratic. If afflicted, you can be analytical and critical in romantic situations. You like speculation but should avoid it if afflicted. You're attracted to anything that stimulates your mind and want to be admired for your intellectual ability but, if afflicted, you may be intellectually conceited. Education is important to you. You're attracted to art forms that convey information. You can be too opinionated and conceited if Mercury is strong and in a fixed sign.
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Mercury in the 6th House: You may have superior intellectual ability but tend to be a perfectionist. Your interests lie in education, medicine, health, hygiene, literature and engineering. Acquiring specialized skill and knowledge helps advance your career. You like many jobs and may put too many irons in the fire. Unless Mercury is in a fixed sign, you're restless and want change in your career. You're an excellent planner and organizer and deal with details of your work methodically and efficiently. You keep up-to-date in areas that affect your work and often tend to overwork. You're practical, very observant, reserved, efficient, systematic and fond of mental work. Your keen senses find disorder offensive. You may even have psychological and physical problems in atmospheres of chaos. Health problems stem from wrong thinking rather than physical problems. A sound diet is necessary and you should take extra vitamin B. Too much worry about your body can be overcome by service to others. If afflicted, you may be too occupied by insignificant detail and have a generally critical nature.
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Mercury in the 7th House: You're quick-witted, keen and alert and want your mate to be the same. You have a lively attitude towards marriage but may marry more for intellectual reasons than emotional ones. You may marry when you're very young or marry a younger mate. You may have more than one marriage since, if afflicted, your partner may be unstable or untruthful. You prefer to work in partnerships and relationships tend to focus on intellectual companionship. If afflicted, you may have problems in communications with others, misunderstandings in marriage/partnerships and/or unkept agreements. You concerned with the communication with and mental cooperation of others. You're concerned about what others think, but not necessarily what they think about you. You're adept at communicating with the public and can be a mediator or arbitrator if well aspected. You can also do well in psychology and related fields. You must be very careful what you sign or put on paper and should settle legal matters out of court.
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Mercury in the 8th House: Your mental ability may be directed toward big business. You have the desire and the ability to find the motivations behind human behavior and get to the bottom of things. You have an interest in the deeper phases of science and the occult. If aspected to Uranus, Neptune or Pluto, you can be interested in spiritualism and communication with the dead. The death of a sibling is particularly significant for you. You're likely to travel in connection with death and you may gain money through death or relatives but, if afflicted, you can worry about or have disputes over an inheritance. Your death may be from nervous system or respiratory ailments so you shouldn't smoke. You're inclined to be secretive, especially in matters you consider personal or important. You tend to make plans in secret and are a great strategist. You love mystery and intrigue. Your deep-rooted emotions may be aroused by others and you don't forget their slights and actions. If afflicted, you can hold grudges, speak vindictively and seek revenge. You're intuitive and psychic and at times may be sly and sarcastic. You're capable of handling affairs and possessions of others but there may be concern over your partner's money. All documents should be carefully read before signing. Your first sexual experience may be at an early age.
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Mercury in the 9th House: You want to understand the fundamental ideas behind the prevailing social ideas and are concerned with attitudes as well as facts. You're interested in philosophy, law, higher education and you're able to study subjects in depth if you apply yourself. You can be very intuitive but your decisions are based on morality, ethics and practicality. You love to travel and are curious about foreign countries and cultures. If afflicted, you can be an intellectual snob and/or have dogmatic, sectarian opinions and beliefs, doubting religious ones. If well aspected, especially to Uranus, Neptune or Pluto, you can have prophetic visions. If afflicted, you should live some distance from your in-laws.
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Mercury in the 10th House: Your career must be intellectually stimulating or you'll probably succumb to restlessness and change jobs. You may hold down two jobs to get that stimulation. You pursue education, but only to fulfill professional ambitions, which are usually associated with education or communication. You're politically astute, able to communicate with the public and those in authority and have speech-making and executive ability. You'd make an excellent politician. You have good organizing skills and the ability to plan the future. Your quick mind likes facts, but you're not always thorough in gathering them. You're cheerful, outgoing and successful. If afflicted, you can scheme to attain personal ambition and may be selfish, dishonest and cold, allowing ambitions to take precedence over principles. If heavily afflicted, something that is said or written about you may damage your reputation or ruin your career ambitions.
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Mercury in the 11th House: You're impartial, compassionate, idealistic, broad-minded, impersonal yet friendly and have an active mind. If afflicted, you can be eccentric, critical, cynical and impractical. You're keenly interested in education and sharing ideas with friends and in groups. You seek associations that stimulate your mind and increase your knowledge, but your thinking is strongly influenced by your friends' thinking. You can teach and learn from friends but if you're indiscriminate in choosing them, you may encounter problems or scandal. You love truth and are able to think objectively and originally. You're concerned with scientific investigation, astrology, advanced occult philosophy and humanitarianism. You can have profound insights into larger social issues. If afflicted, you may use friends for your personal advantage or vice versa or you may be unable to communicate or function in groups. Many of your friends will be younger.
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Mercury in the 12th House: Your thinking is strongly influenced by unconscious memories and habits stemming from past experience. You're likely to be secretive about your inner thoughts and ideas, hesitating to say what you really think. You have a very active imagination, but your mind is subtle. You're often shy and prefer to work alone or behind the scenes. You lack self-confidence but hide your insecurity. You base decisions on feeling rather than logic but you're good at analyzing others' problems. If afflicted, you may find it difficult to relate to your external environment and may experience learning difficulties, especially in your early childhood. You feel like you're not understood by your relatives or those around you and, if afflicted, you can have neurotic tendencies, mental illness or a fixation on the past. If well aspected, especially to Uranus, Neptune or Pluto, you may gain valuable ideas and knowledge through dreams or intuitive or psychic ability. If afflicted, you may have been raised in a foster home, orphanage or boarding school. You should center you mind on serving those who are limited and/or afflicted in some way.
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