Mercury Aspects to Saturn
Note: For semi-sextile, read the sextile. For semi-square, read the square. The same traits and characteristics apply, but they will not be as prominent, as pronounced or as influential as they are with either the sextile or square.

Mercury Conjunct Saturn: You're careful, sober, logical, methodical, strongly ambitious, tenacious, foresighted, extremely self-centered, responsible and accurate, and can be obstinate and serious. You have a great depth of mind and are mentally ambitious, but may not get the recognition you want and often deserve. You're a good planner, listener and observer. You have strong mathematical and scientific abilities and good business management or architectural skills. You usually prefer to work alone. You're hard working and thorough in your studying, writing and speaking and possess good visualization skills which help you in all phases of life. If afflicted, you can be gloomy, depressed and pessimistic. Even if unafflicted, you can be critical, skeptical, doubting and worry too much. You attain success through hard work and persistence. You're not likely to embrace non-traditional ideas.
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Mercury Trine Saturn: You have a depth of thought and a directness of speech that causes you to view life seriously and avoid unearned flattery of others. You have reliable judgment, good memory and concentration and great mental organization. You're practical, logical, studious, worldly, resourceful, responsible, serious and methodical. When you're young, you prefer the company of those older than you. You're a good student because of patience and your ability to work hard. You often gain through education or a sibling. You'd make an excellent general, politician, historian, scientist, writer or big businessman. Your success increases as life advances. You have superior manual dexterity, great attention to detail, usually good health, strong moral character and self-control. Your thoughts may not be original, but they're practical and you're able to express them well.
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Mercury Square Saturn: You're intelligent, traditional, reserved, shy, hardworking, ambitious, responsible, narrow-minded, pessimistic and, in some cases, scheming and deliberately dishonest. You may have a difficult childhood due to problems with your father, which may make you defensive, suspicious, insecure or depressed. You can be mentally inhibited or too tied to traditional thinking and may be unnecessarily rigid in adhering to discipline and observing law and order. You may have dental and/or hearing problems and shouldn't smoke. This aspect is good for big businessmen and politicians. You tend to work excessively and are too concerned with trivial details. You lack imagination, but when you have an original idea, it doesn't gain acceptance with traditional thinkers. Your education may be rigidly disciplined, but your poor memory causes many problems with your studies. This can be overcome with patience and persistence. Your tendency to be jealous, fear of change and anticipation of danger or failure means you have few real friends. In positions of authority, you may belittle others' ideas. You're likely to get in trouble with written communications and contracts.
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Mercury Sextile Saturn: You have a disciplined mind, depth in your thoughts, directness in speech and high regard for honesty and morality. Your memory and concentration are good, as is your health most of the time. You're logical, methodical, practical, resourceful, responsible, serious, studious, worldly and disciplined in areas of health and hygiene. You use prudence and forethought in decision-making, communications and speaking and your judgment is reliable. You prefer the company of older people when you're young. You'd make a great general, politician, historian, writer, scientist, researcher or big businessman. You have great organizational ability in your career. You gain through education and siblings but usually later in life. You tend to leave as little as possible to chance-- every thought, word and action is purposeful and intentional.
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Mercury Inconjunct Saturn: To compensate for your insecurity, you have a desperate need for approval often suffering from fear, loneliness and worry. You tend to get stuck in a rut and/or pity yourself. Your shyness is hidden behind a harsh, abrupt attitude so you have few real friends. You can be scheming and ruthless or take advantage of others. You follow a rigid routine that often becomes "I want what I want when I want it." You'd do well in any mathematics-related field. You may sometimes be forced to take care of an elderly or sick relative.
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Mercury Opposite Saturn: You may have a difficult childhood due to problems with your father that may make you suspicious, insecure, defensive or depressed. You're traditional, reserved, intelligent, responsible, shy, ambitious and hard working. Your education may be interrupted, but knowledge will be gained from life and through books. This aspect is good for big business and politics. You have few friends because you're often nagging and critical, lacking lovingness and understanding. If the third house is involved, you may have difficulties due to relatives. Communication problems, overly conservative thinking and a rigid attitude often hamper your career. There may also be attacks on your reputation. You want intellectual recognition, but often don't get it, either because of or resulting in professional jealousy. If heavily afflicted, you can be a schemer, underhanded, extremely narrow-minded and opinionated. You'll usually have dental and hearing problems and are subject to nervous and respiratory illness so don't smoke.
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