Mercury Aspects to Uranus
Note: For semi-sextile, read the sextile. For semi-square, read the square. The same traits and characteristics apply, but they will not be as prominent, as pronounced or as influential as they are with either the sextile or square.

Mercury Conjunct Uranus: You have a lightning-quick mind, mental genius and originality. You're self-willed, dramatic, colorful, creative, inventive, articulate, individualistic, progressive, independent and stubborn. You have quick perception and often gain insight through intuitive flashes. You resent any interference and must be allowed to live your life your own way. You're interested in astrology, science, human behavior, psychology and electronics but need a good education to make the most of your mental abilities. You're able to tune into the Universal Mind and obtain guidance from it. You're often involved in electronic forms of communication. You won't accept ideas simply because of tradition. You're able to find new solutions to old problems. If afflicted, you can be eccentric and tactless.
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Mercury Trine Uranus: You're intuitive, brilliant, inventive, mentally dexterous and self-reliant. You have an excellent memory, a humanitarian outlook, a sense of drama and writing and speaking talent. You may appear stupid due to your single-mindedness and/or be impatient with those who are not as quick-witted. You have an excellent ability to communicate ideas. You're not dogmatic or orthodox and won't accept an idea just because it's popular. You're a trend breaker and a trendsetter and are far ahead of the times in your comprehension of life. This aspect denotes an advanced soul. You're unique, enterprising and progressive and have a natural understanding of subtle energy forces. You have a natural tendency to tune into the Universal Mind, gaining intuitive flashes of insight.
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Mercury Square Uranus: You're honest and direct, but lack of tact and an eccentric, brusque manner drive others away. You have a quick, alert, ingenious mind but your ideas are usually impractical or you undermine your own talent by thinking you're chosen or special in some way. Learn to allow your will to be guided by your Higher Self to release your inherent genius. You may have exceptional insight, but you won't use it wisely until you overcome your egotism and obstinacy. You often waste your energy, creating tension and confusion. You're independent, intuitive, proud, nervous, daring, discontent and arrogant. You're high-strung, but may appear calm on the surface. You're apt to be sarcastic, brusque and frank in your speech and often jump to conclusions. You need to be more gentle and loving to others. You're a good leader but a bad follower-- you can be a rebel with a cause or simply defy authority for enjoyment. You have keen perception and it's hard to deceive you. Your family considers you and your ideas way out and heretical. You can be mentally perverse. You won't accept advice from anyone or allow others to change your mind, but you'll change it yourself for no apparent reason.
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Mercury Sextile Uranus: You're inventive, brilliant, mentally dexterous, intuitive and self-reliant. Your self-expression is original and dramatic. You may appear stupid due to single-mindedness, but you're far from it. You always think for yourself-- you're a trend breaker and a trendsetter. You're unique, enterprising and progressive-- you won't accept an idea simply because it's dogma or creed. You have an excellent memory and an excellent ability to communicate ideas, but you tend to be impatient with those not as quick minded. You have writing and speaking talent. Solutions to problems come in sudden flashes of inspiration. This aspect denotes an advanced soul.
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Mercury Inconjunct Uranus: You're an abstract and progressive thinker with enormous intellectual capacity but it comes in spurts. You undermine your great talent by thinking you're special or chosen. You're self-centered but feel guilty about it. Your lack of tact and brusque, eccentric nature often drive others away. You waste a lot of energy, creating tension and confusion. You want and like to serve humanity but your health suffers if you overdo it. You can have excellent coordination and/or be accident-prone.
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Mercury Opposite Uranus: You have an alert, ingenious mind but unless it receives constant stimulation, you get bored. You waste a lot of energy, which creates tension or confusion. You often start too many projects at once and usually don't finish any of them. You especially have troubles with group endeavors since you either think your ideas are the only right ones or won't accept others' ideas. This undermines your great talent since you think you're chosen or special in some way. Although it's hard to deceive you, you often jump to conclusions or make snap judgments. It's very important to choose the right associates, but your lack of tact and your brusque, eccentric manner may not leave you much to choose from. You're adventurous and inconsistent-- at times a rebel with a cause, at other times, simply defying authority for the sheer enjoyment, especially if afflicted by Mars or Saturn. You can have nervous troubles due to your irritability and impatience. You can be arrogant, daring and discontented. You stubbornly adhere to your beliefs-- others can't change your mind although you may without apparent reason-- and you won't listen to any advice. You should use caution when signing documents or papers. If the second or eighth house is involved, you may have sudden gains or losses. If the seventh house is involved, there can be sudden upsets with or separations from partners. If evolved, you can be prophetic and dedicated to teaching the truth, but find it difficult to put your own perceptions into objective terms.
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