Venus in the Signs

Venus in Aries (Detriment): You're cheerful, positive, idealistic, yet touchy and easily offended. Your magnetic personality makes you enthusiastic and charming at social gatherings. You go after what you want and can often be inconsiderate of others without realizing it. You must develop more understanding for others' feelings. Your aggressiveness and emotionalism in expressing yourself may drive others away. You fall in love quickly, impulsively and passionately, but if Venus is afflicted, you may be fickle or marry impulsively. You can be competitive in seeking others' affections. You're an idea person and a fast thinker, but have a strong, impulsive urge to become involved in moneymaking schemes that rarely pay off. You're actively creative in artistic pursuits, but if afflicted, you may be coarse or lack refinement. You demand a lot of personal attention and tend to be self-centered. If heavily afflicted, you can be quarrelsome and restless, causing difficulties in emotional relationships.
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Venus in Taurus (Dignified): Emotional security and stability in love are important to you and if this security is threatened, you can become jealous and possessive. You're loyal and steadfast with constant and enduring affections. You have a highly developed sense of touch and enjoy physical contact. This can also be seen in your love of comfort, beauty and the "good life." Your creative bent is towards making things with your hands-- sculpting, carving, pottery, etc. Money is important more for what it buys than as a thing unto itself. You have an innate sense of the value of material things. Personal beauty is important to you but you may have weight problems due to your love of good food. You're attractive to the opposite sex and have a rich, melodious voice. You're affectionate and passionate in emotional relationships, but your sensuality is passive, letting others come on to you instead of chasing them. You're conventional, sociable and strongly domestic. You feel a close kinship with the earth and enjoy plants, flowers, trees and nature. Your emotions tend to color your life. You have a good appreciation of the arts. If afflicted, you may be too stubborn or marry late in life.
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Venus in Gemini: You're generous, friendly yet detached and have a keen wit, conversational ability and a pleasing manner. You tend to dislike coarse behavior. You like variety in your romantic and social life and, if afflicted, you can be inconsistent and fickle in romance. You're disinclined to settle down in one permanent relationship but you are capable of it. You're curious about people and are attracted to those with agile, keen intellects. You want to be friends with everyone and generally maintain good relationships with siblings and neighbors. If you lack fixed signs, your romantic values may be superficial, so you may have more than one marriage. You need to be given your freedom and spend much time traveling for pleasure. You understand but don't really feel too much passion. Your favorite form of artistic expressions are literary (usually in the form of poetry) and jokes (including puns).
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Venus in Cancer: Your feelings are easily hurt, but you hide this behind a dignified exterior. Your reactions are instinctive and emotional and your moods are unpredictable and fluctuate. You're deeply sensitive in your romantic feelings and want your mate to be demonstrative because it makes you feel secure and loved. You value both financial and domestic security and marriage is a means to attain a stable domestic life, although you truly cherish your home and family and you're affectionate towards your children. Your home is a place of beauty and the focus of social activity. Women are very domestic and enjoy cooking and housekeeping for their families. In marriage, you may be more of a mother than a mate, but if afflicted, you may cling to loved ones or your parents may object to your choice of mate. If you're single, you'd rather cook for your date than go out, although you'll unobtrusively take the initiative if you're bored or lonely. You're idealistic, poetic, gentle, sympathetic, charming, kind, receptive, changeable, feminine and very insecure. If afflicted, you can be overly sentimental, sulking and have emotionally unstable reactions. You enjoy the good things in life but may have fluctuations in income. You may be self-indulgent, but rarely wasteful. If your emotional life is frustrated, health problems can occur.
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Venus in Leo: You love life and are a born romantic. You're behavior can be theatrical but your emotional reactions are honest and frank, even if they're often calculated. Your affections are fixed and ardent and your loyalty to loved ones is strong. You like to show off your partner, but can be possessive and jealous if your partner doesn't pay you proper homage. Appearance is important to you and you can be extravagant, especially to your partner, even if it's financially disastrous. You have a great deal of social and personal pride that, if afflicted, can be snobbishness. Women, particularly, want to be noticed, admired and appreciated, often competing to be the center of attention. You have a keen love of art and your vivid sense of color and form give you ability in sculpting, painting and other art forms. You can't be talked into doing anything you don't want to do. You derive much happiness from children. You're kind and extremely compassionate even if afflicted. You're warmhearted, outgoing, affectionate and sunny. If afflicted, you can be selfish or over-concerned with sex.
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Venus in Virgo (Fall): You're shy, soft spoken, undemonstrative, critical and analytical (especially toward your partner) and cold-- you must learn to be loving. You can be an excellent housekeeper, but need lovingness to be a home. You don't relate to others easily but have a strong desire to serve: you have sympathy for the underdog and you're helpful to the sick. You're inclined to put off marriage, possibly due to a preoccupation with chastity or virginity. You have an excellent business sense and can benefit through your employees. Your ability to analyze emotions makes for a good psychologist, but a tendency to over-analyze can kill spontaneous emotions. Your feelings of sexual and social inferiority can cause you to feel lonely and frustrated. If afflicted to Mars, Uranus or Neptune, you can be promiscuous, loose or bohemian since you feel that's the only way to get love and to prove that you're desirable. You seek a partner with whom you can share your work and intellectual pursuits and your spouse is often a co-worker. Unless heavily afflicted, your relationships with co-workers are congenial. You have an innate sense of order and cleanliness and are repelled by any sort of uncouth behavior. You have good technical ability in art. You attract material benefits of quality and beauty that you feel give you status.
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Venus in Libra (Dignified): Marriage and harmonious social relationships are extremely important, and since you're attractive to the opposite sex, you'll have many opportunities for marriage. You have a sense of justice and fair play in romance, but tend to seek status through relationships and "marrying right." Women want to be cared for deeply and demonstratively, but in public, their men must be suave and follow proper social conduct. You can mistake being in love with love for the real thing. Your emotions are clear and direct and you have an innate ability to understand others' feelings. Your feelings are easily hurt, but you rarely hold a grudge. You're sincere yet impersonal and can relate easily to others. You seek intellectual stimulation in all your relationships. You have a desire to please others so you're usually well liked. You have high standards of social behavior and detest any uncouth or coarse behavior, but if afflicted, your social and emotional values are superficial. You dislike disagreement and discord and in that type of atmosphere can become nervous, upset or even ill. If afflicted, you may go along just to avoid confrontation so you may appear to lack integrity. You have a good sense of hearing, a keen sense of color and a highly developed aesthetic sense. You have an aptitude for art, usually music, and like to be surrounded by beauty. This usually requires money and you can be extravagant with your decorating. You're able to take the spotlight gracefully and you're eternally young at heart.
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Venus in Scorpio (Detriment): Your emotions and sexual desires are strong and passionate. Until you're sure of a relationship, you're very reserved. Your reactions in close personal relationships are intense and emotional and you expect as much emotional return as you give. You can take romance too personally and too seriously and may become jealous and secretive. If you're jilted or disillusioned in a relationship, you can become jealous, resentful and bitter and it may become a love-hate relationship. Once you sever an important relationship, it can never be re-established on the same terms. If afflicted, you can be overly sensual and preoccupied with sex and women may use sex appeal to gain power over or to manipulate others. If you're highly evolved, you can be idealistic and have high standards regarding close personal relationships and romantic/sexual involvement and you will sacrifice everything for love if you feel the loved one is worthy of such sacrifice. You have a colorful personality and, although psychically sensitive to others' feelings, you often lack reason and tact because you do everything with such intensity. Your artistic style leans toward strong, dramatic contrast. You're very attractive to the opposite sex. Despite the facts that your love nature needs regeneration, you never lose you personal pride or emotional dignity. You have a selfishness that is masked by outward friendliness. You often try to dominate or subtly control those closest to you. You may be cruel or suffer cruelty (tied to the karmic misuse of the love principle.) Self-indulgence can create a hard-to-control weight problem.
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Venus in Sagittarius: Your emotions and reactions are idealistic and spiritually oriented. If afflicted, you can be offensively blunt, impractically idealistic in romance and seek to impose your religious views on those you love. You're friendly, outgoing, sociable and vivacious, but, if afflicted, you can be too breezy, fickle or pleasure seeking. You base your emotional conduct on objective principles of ethics, philosophy and religion and you're honest and open in your feelings with those you love. You love freedom and your mate must accept that you won't relinquish all of it even in marriage. Your spouse is often a foreigner, someone of a different race, a philosophic type or someone with or involved with higher education. You often try to convert your spouse/ partner to your own religious beliefs or moral principles if they don't already have the same beliefs, but you're not afraid to get involved in unusual relationships. Your taste in art and decor tends to be lavish and your home will be palatial and luxurious (if you can afford it) with flamboyant displays of color and form. You are also attracted to classical forms of art and beauty or those with religious motifs. You get emotional satisfaction in outdoor games and contests. You love to travel to distant places. If afflicted to Jupiter, you can be extravagant, always on the go and a gambler who loves to have a good time.
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Venus in Capricorn: You're basically insecure and seek emotional security through material status and wealth. Although you have excellent money making abilities, you often try to improve your status through marriage. If you marry young, your mate is older and more mature. If you marry late, your mate is younger and someone you can feel responsible for and provide with security in return for affection. You find it difficult to show the tenderness you feel for loved ones often from fear of rejection, but are loyal and steadfast to those you love since you innately sense the personal responsibility in important relationships. Your social behavior is proud and reserved and you dislike demonstrativeness in public. You repress your emotions and sexuality in public, but can be very sensual when in private. You have a sense of aloneness that creates an attractive mystique about you. Your dignified air is based on a desire to feel superior to the common lot: others may see it as snobbishness and resent you. If afflicted, you can experience separation, isolation and disappointment in romance, but this can be overcome by being more loving and not resenting the one who caused the suffering. You're willing to make considerable sacrifices for a loved one. If afflicted, you can have an emotional coldness, be over-concerned with material goods and your calculating and ulterior motives may outweigh your affections. You attract sympathy with a quiet personal dignity and refinement. You have a strong artistic sense of composition and structure and are attracted to classical music and traditional art forms. You have business and managerial talent in art-related fields. You can be too demanding as a parent. You have the strength and patience to overcome your fears and selfishness.
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Venus in Aquarius: You have an impersonal but friendly emotional out-look. You're charitable, kind and a humanitarian: you'll do anything for anybody yet remain detached. You're popular, well liked and have many friends. Others may consider you immoral, but you just have different interpretations of standards towards social and sexual morality. Crude behavior, as you define it, is unacceptable behavior in others. You can be righteous and ethical, but lack lovingness and understanding. You find it hard to understand the emotionally oriented. Romantic attractions are sudden and casual and, although you sincerely intend them to last, end just as suddenly and often for no apparent reason, except for the often hidden motive of retaining your freedom. Your romantic partner must be a friend as well as a lover and provide you with variety and mental stimulation or you get bored. You also avoid partners who are possessive and jealous and seek to curtail your social freedom. If well aspected, you're capable of sustained loyalty to loved ones. If afflicted you may have promiscuous/eccentric sexual habits. Although you function well in groups, you may have stubborn emotional attitudes, refusing to see others' points of view. You have a highly developed intuition about others' social, emotional and personal dispositions. You also have sensible financial attitudes. You're attracted to art forms that are either extremely modern or ancient.
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Venus in Pisces (Exalted): The love principle is at its highest evolutionary development-- you marry for love and love alone, all other considerations be damned. You have deep compassion and sympathy, especially for the underdog, and understanding of the unity of all life. You have highly developed intuition and are able to truly understand the feelings of others as well as being highly sensitive to their sufferings. You must develop discrimination or people will take advantage of your sympathies. You're romantic, gentle, tenderhearted and sensitive but, unless you receive clear demonstrations of love and affections, you can feel lonely and disappointed. Sometimes disappointment leads to feelings of martyrdom, neurotic tendencies and/or mental illness. Since you're afraid of being hurt through rejection, you hesitate to express your feelings. You tend to become emotionally dependent on others or vice versa. Your strong emotions can distort any attempt at objective perception of reality. Personal love must be lost in Divine Compassion. If afflicted, you can be excessively sentimental, lazy, hypersensitive, over-dependent and prone to withdraw into yourself rather than face adversity. You're able to draw on higher inspirations for resources in artistic, poetic and musical creations. You can inspire creativity in others. Money means nothing to you so you may need professional help in order to remain financially stable.
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