Venus in the Houses

Venus in the 1st House: You have personal grace and charm and are often physically beautiful, especially females. Because your early life is pleasant, you have a positive outlook on life. You enjoy (and possess) balance, beauty, good luck, harmony and kindness. You like nice clothes, beautiful surroundings, cultured living, music and flirting and you may have a sweet tooth. You love people to spoil you but, if afflicted, this becomes a "me first" attitude and you may be lazy and self-indulgent. Your intuition is sharp. You enjoy social involvement and, with your natural ability to mix socially, you have many business, romantic and marital opportunities. You'll be very successful in any career that works in an intimate and personal way with the public.
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Venus in the 2nd House: You have a love of all the good things money can buy from clothes to jewelry to art. You use your wealth to advance your social standing and may marry for money/status as much for love. You have business ability, especially in the arts or any career that caters to women. Women are usually too extravagant and men spend too much entertaining lady friends. You receive help from friends and social contacts, usually of a financial nature, and attract financial benefits, often through inheritance. You're quite lucky, especially in financial matters. If afflicted, you can be greedy and stingy, and spend more than you earn in an effort to impress others.
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Venus in the 3rd House: Your mind is refined but you can be mentally lazy. You enjoy art and music on an intellectual level and you're artistic and creative intellectually. You can express yourself well and communicate easily with your spouse and close friends. Your social and romantic contacts are made through neighborhood activities, intellectual pursuits and often through newspaper or magazine ads or articles. You like attending social activities but tend to analyze romantic relationships. Your early life is pleasant, giving you a pleasant nature that attracts benefits. You have the ability to study if you're so inclined. You don't like to argue or pressure others, preferring to compromise or persuade others to your viewpoint, which is usually easy, as you're able to see others' points of view. You like to move around a lot and take many short trips but never move too far from your home base. You have good relationships with your siblings. If afflicted you can be fickle, decadent and superficial.
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Venus in the 4th House: Your domestic surroundings must be comfortable and beautiful to look at since you like to entertain close friends and romantic partners at home, but you can be extravagant in home decorating. If not heavily afflicted, you love your home and mother and have harmonious relationships with your family and emotional closeness to your parents. Lovingness is at the root of your being and you're popular because of your optimistic outlook. You love social contact and are interested in people. Your strong artistic nature can find an outlet in gardening, flower arranging, etc. You may marry late but will be quite happy. Your later life is blessed with happiness and the end of life will be in an atmosphere of beauty and comfort. If afflicted, you can be demanding, dictatorial and jealous.
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Venus in the 5th House: You love life, have a sunny disposition and are popular and well liked. You're very attractive to the opposite sex and have many romantic opportunities, which you usually take advantage of. If unafflicted, these love affairs can be happy and successful. Social and romantic outings often involve theater or musical performance-- you appreciate the creative and artistic talent of the actors and/or musicians. You enjoy games and social activities. You can be of great service to those in their teens and early twenties. You adore children and can often gain through them (children of your emotions, mind and body. The latter are usually girls with artistic ability.)
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Venus in the 6th House: Your love life and social contacts are usually begun at work-- you often marry someone you met through work. Your career often involves art, women or social doings and you're popular and diplomatic, whether employer or employee. Your working conditions are usually pleasant unless others don't respect your habit patterns. You avoid dirty or manual labor unless the outcome is an object of beauty. You're conscious of diet and clothing but, if afflicted, avoid excess sugar and starch. Your health is usually good and will probably improve after marriage. You want to serve others and are always willing to lend a helping hand. Affections are lavished on your pets. If afflicted, you can be self-indulgent and unwilling to compromise.
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Venus in the 7th House: A pleasant manner and consideration for others makes you popular and your ability to deal with the public often assures you of smooth business partnerships. You have happy social relationships and a happy marriage if unafflicted. Marriage and close personal friendships are very important to you, but if you don't marry, it's because you choose not to. You marry for the romance and the happiness it provides. You usually marry early and enjoy social and financial prosperity through marriage. You're able to express love so you get love in return. You seldom become involved in lawsuits, but if you do, you'll settle out of court. If afflicted, you may hold resentment or develop a persecution complex from lack of fulfillment.
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Venus in the 8th House: Your emotions are overly intense and you can be jealous and possessive. You gain financially through partnerships, marriage, social contacts and often through inheritances or insurance. You usually have harmonious sexual relationships, but if heavily afflicted, marriage may be motivated by the possibility of financial gain. If afflicted, you can be undisciplined, drink or eat too much or have too much inertia (possibly laziness). Your spiritual tendencies lead to happiness and peace of mind if you follow them. You'll probably have a long life and peaceful death.
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Venus in the 9th House: You're helpful, kind and sympathetic, but if Venus is afflicted, you can be lazy and indifferent or a religious/missionary zealot. You love philosophy, religion and art, especially religious art and music. You're fond of study and usually well educated, usually in artistic and cultural history. Romantic and social contacts are made through universities, churches or long journeys (often to foreign countries) which you take for pleasure. You're strongly attracted to foreigners or those of another race or religion, although you often try to convert your loved ones to your philosophical/religious views. You have high ideals regarding love. Your relationship with your in-laws is harmonious and profitable. You have keen intuition. You'll probably move far from your birthplace, maybe even to a foreign country.
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Venus in the 10th House: You have happiness and success in your career, often with considerable help from a parent. You have social and artistic ambitions and your career often deals with the arts. An ability to deal with the opposite sex often helps your career. If you're artistic, you often gain success, prestige and recognition from the public. You're a born diplomat and usually go along with the public viewpoint. If afflicted, you may be a social climber who forgets old friends once you achieve success. You're likely to marry someone from work or someone who can give you wealth and status. You have good relationships, even friendships, with employers and those in positions of authority. If afflicted, you may have problems with your parents.
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Venus in the 11th House: Your friendships and social/romantic relationships often begin in group activities, so you usually share the same interests with your spouse. You have many friends, usually of the opposite sex who is often an artist or musician. Your friendly, diplomatic nature and kindness to others gets the same from them and they often help you fulfill your hopes and dreams. Your friends become romantic partners and your romantic partners remain friends. If afflicted, a wrong choice of friends may cause suffering. You tend to be too idealistic and need to be more realistic to accomplish your goals. You can be self-indulgent if Venus is afflicted.
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Venus in the 12th House: You love, and at times need, quiet and solitude. Your social shyness can lead to loneliness or romantic frustration. You're sensitive and easily hurt and seldom express your real feelings. You're kind, sympathetic and compassionate to those who suffer and you feel compelled to serve. Your personal, social and romantic relationships are often kept secret and, if afflicted, you may love someone who is not free or suffer romantic setbacks or divorce. Your behavior is motivated by your unconscious mind, which is often deeply inspired artistically. You're extremely protective, devoted to ideals and not ambitious in a worldly sense. If afflicted, you may try to escape reality by over-indulging in alcohol and/or drugs. You like to probe and understand the deeper, hidden meanings of love and life.
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