North Node in the Signs

North Node in Aries/South Node in Libra: You have a self-assertive and progressive nature and must bring your personality to its full development (you must have a "self" before you can give of your "self.") You must develop independence since too much emphasis is placed on leaning on others and letting them run your life. You must make your own decisions, right or wrong, and then stand by your convictions. Growth comes through your own self-expression and experience.
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North Node in Taurus/South Node in Scorpio: You're resourceful with a practical approach to the material world. You attract possessions and those who want to be possessed, but your lust and greed must become love and givingness. You must help others to be independent by refusing to allow them to be dependent on you since "crutches" can prevent the development of strength. You must overcome resentment and not use force to compel others to do your bidding.
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North Node in Gemini/South Node in Sagittarius: You have versatility, adaptability and mental agility, but this can cause restlessness and rash tendencies that keep you from accomplishments. You also tend to scatter your energies and must learn to concentrate your forces. Although your judgment is often poor, benefits come through family and relatives due to your optimistic nature. You must learn from where you are before moving on to greener pastures.
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North Node in Cancer/South Node in Capricorn: Your great sensitivity toward the suffering of others can help you overcome your tendency to selfish ambition. You have a strong streak of domesticity and a mothering nature, but don't let it become a desire for self-power and domination over others. Housekeeping is a good integrating force.
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North Node in Leo/South Node in Aquarius: You have executive and leadership ability but this can become strong egocentric tendencies or even snobbishness or distaste, causing you to retreat from the world. You need to be independent to do a good job. Your pride and nobility often hide your self-respect, but if self-respect is lacking, you're able to cultivate it.
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North Node in Virgo/South Node in Pisces: You have a tendency to avoid responsibility and escape reality by subjecting your higher senses to control by your senses and sensuality. You can achieve growth and progress through discrimination and purity and the hidden Christ within cam be expressed through service to others.
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North Node in Libra/South Node in Aries: Spiritual integration occurs when you're able to see through others' eyes, when you move from the personality level to the soul level. Emphasis must be placed on loving others, not self-love, and personality must become servant of others.
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North Node in Scorpio/South Node in Taurus: You have often overemphasized material goods and your own importance and you must relinquish your possessive and materialistic attitude towards matters related to the house occupied by the South Node. You must change from selfish interests to concern for others. You must change self-will to Divine Will. You find peace through the ways of the Higher Self.
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North Node in Sagittarius/South Node in Gemini: You seek far horizons, both physically and spiritually, but be careful not to simply flit from one experience to the other. You gain power and success through a willingness to stabilize, associations with others and pioneering new ideas in philosophy and education. Your inner optimism can help you overcome much negativity.
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North Node in Capricorn/South Node in Cancer: Your business ability and ambition should be directed towards the public good and nurturing others in order to overcome selfishness and self-centeredness. You must exert a persistent, sustaining effort on behalf of others, enabling you to reach unlimited heights.
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North Node in Aquarius/South Node in Leo: Your spiritual progress and development comes from giving up ego and through service to others, often in a group of some sort. You understand the unity of all life. Your field of activity should affect society as a whole and not just be self-aggrandizement.
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North Node in Pisces/South Node in Virgo: You must completely relinquish yourself to the service of others. You must eliminate criticism and passing judgment, turning passion to dispassion without losing compassion.
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