The Cuddly Collection of ASCII Art

Welcome to

   ___                               /\                               ___   
 /     \                          ..(  )..                          /     \ 
( *hug* )                        '  |\/|  '                        ( *hug* )
|\._______________________________./    \._______________________________./|
|                                                                          |
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|                       Mmmm  mmmM 88                                      |
|                       MMMM  MMMM 88d888b. .d8888b.                       |
|                       MMMM  MMMM 88'  `88 88ooood8                       |
|                       MMMM  MMMM 88    88 88.  ...                       |
|                       MMMM  MMMM dP    dP `88888P'                       |
|         ,gggg,        """"""""""                                         |
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|     /      Y88b \__88P'  "88_-~  888 888   /      Y88b 888     "88_/     |
|                                                                          |
|  _______________________________        _______________________________  |
|/                                 \    /                                 \|
( *hug* )                           |/\|                           ( *hug* )
 \ ___ /                         '..(  )..'                         \ ___ / 
Hello, and welcome to my collection of affectionate and cuddly ASCII art. I've tried to make these files as extensive as possible; I hope you enjoy them. If you have some cuddly ASCII art that I don't, I'd appreciate seeing it, and I can add it to the proper file here for others to enjoy as well. Thank-you!

The Quick Index of Topics:
-- Hugs -- Flowers -- Kisses -- Valentines -- Hearts -- "I Love You" --
-- Cuddly Words -- Smilies -- Teddy Bears -- Wedding -- Princesses & KiTAs --
-- Miscellaneous -- Entire Collection -- Cuddly ASCII Software --

       ___                  ____                  ___       
  ____(   \              .-'    `-.              /   )____  
 (____     \_____       /  (O  O)  \       _____/     ____) 
(____            `-----(      )     )-----'            ____)
 (____     _____________\  \____/  /_____________     ____) 
   (______/              `-.____.-'              \______)   
We'll start with some ASCII hugs, which always tend to be popular. I've even taken a few and added HTML codes to make them special Web hugs, located here and here and here

       __   __                                                           
      /  \./  \/\_                                                       
  __{^\_ _}_   )  }/^\                                                   
 /  /\_/^\._}_/  //  /                                                   
(  (__{(@)}\__}.//_/__A____A_______A________A________A_____A___A___A_____
 \__/{/(_)\_}  )\\ \\---v-----V-----V---Y-----v----Y------v-----V-----v--
   (   (__)_)_/  )\ \>                                                   
    \__/     \__/\/\/                                                    
The ASCII flowers you'll find here are also very popular any time of year. There's even this colour ANSI rose I found, and some colour HTML flowers

 || (1)        OFFICIAL BITNET NOTE           ONE ||
 ||                      /\/\                     ||
 ||      #1       ___---      ---___   (!)        ||
 ||                 -----____-----                ||
How about some kisses?

   oo     OOOOOOOO:       OOOOOOOO!       
      oOOOO!!!!;;;;O    OO.......:;!O     
     'OOO!!!;;;;;;;;O  O.......:   ;!O    
     OOO!!!!;;::::::.OO........:    ;!O   
     OO!!!!;;:::::..............:   ;!O   
     OOO!!!;::::::..............:   ;!O   
      OO!!;;::::::.............:   ;!O    
              !!;:::::.......O   oo       
                ;;::::.....O        oo  ,o
                   :::..O              ooo
                     ::.              oooo
When Feb. 14th comes around, here are some ASCII Valentines that might come in handy

The ASCII hearts found here might also come in handy on Valentine's day

$$$$  $$$$$$$$$$$  $$$$$$
$$$$. `$' \' \$`  $$$$$$$
$$$$$. !\  i  i .$$$$$$$$
$$$$$$   `--`--.$$$$$$$$$
$$$$$$L        `$$$$$^^$$
$$$$$$$.   .'   ""~   $$$
$$$$$$$$.  ;      .e$$$$$
$$$$$$$$$   `.$$$$$$$$$$$
$$$$$$$$    .$$$$$$$$$$$$
$$$$$$$     $$$$$$$by$TL$
Here are some ASCIIs for when you want to say "I love you" to that someone special

  `b                ..rmMMbmy..                                 
   `b            .dMP"'     `"VMb.                              
    `b         .p'              `Mb                             
     `b      ,p'                 `Mb           ,mdMMbm.         
      q.   ,dP                     `b       ,MP"'   `"MMb.      
      `b  .P                        `b    ,P'           `b.     
       `L M                          `L ,P          ***CUDDLE***
        MM                            MM'                       
        `P                            `P                        
     --====--                      --====--         ---======---
Next, we have some various and miscellaneous cuddly words that I've found. I also used Figlet to make ASCII versions of the words *hugs*, *cuddles*, *snuggles*, and *spoddles*

                                           .:::.   .;''        ``;.  
   ....                                    :::::  ::    ::  ::    :: 
 ,;' .;:                ()  ..:            `:::' ::     ::  ::     ::
 ::.      ..:,:;.,:;.    .   ::   .::::.    `:'  :: .:' ::  :: `:. ::
  '''::,   ::  ::  ::  `::   ::  ;:   .::    :   ::  :          :  ::
,:';  ::;  ::  ::  ::   ::   ::  ::,::''.    .    :: `:.      .:' :: 
`:,,,,;;' ,;; ,;;, ;;, ,;;, ,;;, `:,,,,:'   :;:    `;..``::::''..;'  
Now, we have smilies

 _( Y )_ 
Let's not forget those wonderful cuddle buddies of our childhood. And our adult life too, for that matter. :) Here is my collection of teddy bears

    mMm  _[_]_
   /(")\  (") 
/ /-~`~-\ ||| 
`/       \||| 
When the romance and love continues, you may find yourself in need of these wedding ASCIIs

(,);    /\                 A    H    
(  ^_   ||       ...       H MM HA   
' /  \  ||      (()))     AH^HH^HH   
  L |=) ||      {' ())    HH_HH_HH   
   ) -  ||       )_ (() AAxHHHHxAxH  
 (_   \====  @  (   (_) HHHH/^\HHHH  
 | (___/{ }   \7 \ _) |_HHHH___HHHHH_
For anyone who's been to CuddleLand, here are some princesses and KiTAs (well, they could be) and some castles too

__ ;"'`'"',, _________________
  ;         ;,,,,     kwack   
 ,              o';-__   kwack
__'.,__))),.,,.,,,/___/ ______
Here are a few miscellaneous items, with a UUencoded ANSI version of one of them

  ___  __  __  ____  ____  __   _  _
 / __)(  )(  )(  _ \(  _ \(  ) ( \/ )
( (__  )(__)(  )(_) ))(_) ))(__ \  /
  ___  _____  __    __    ____  ___  ____  ____  _____  _  _
 / __)(  _  )(  )  (  )  ( ___)/ __)(_  _)(_  _)(  _  )( \( )
( (__  )(_)(  )(__  )(__  )__)( (__   )(   _)(_  )(_)(  )  (
 \___)(_____)(____)(____)(____)\___) (__) (____)(_____)(_)\_)
Here, by request, is my entire collection of Cuddly ASCII Art as a single file, compressed using PKZip (note: this file is almost 219K in size).

8      eeeee eeee eeeee e   e  e eeeee eeeee  eeee 
8eeeee 8  88 8      8   8   8  8 8   8 8   8  8    
    88 8   8 8eee   8e  8e  8  8 8eee8 8eee8e 8eee 
e   88 8   8 88     88  88  8  8 88  8 88   8 88   
8eee88 8eee8 88     88  88ee8ee8 88  8 88   8 88ee 
Last (but hopefully not least), I have a few ASCII art related programs you can try!
 * Cuddle Coupons is a little program I coded for creating custom ASCII Art coupons for love and affection. It even makes Valentines! It's really simple to use; and you can download it here (zip file size approx. 50K).
 * Sofulompts is an ANSI program for making SOFt and cUdLy prOMPTS in DOS. You can have a colour heart, rose, or even a little teddy bear smiling at you every time you press enter. There are a number of pictures to choose from, so click here to have the cuddliest prompt around (zip file size approx. 6K).
 * If you want to tell someone "I care", you can now say it big with FABS, my program for creating ASCII banners. To download, just click here (zip file size approx. 33K).


[Best of Internet icon from]
This page on my old site made the Best of Internet homepage at

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It has also won a Links2Go Key Resource Award

If you enjoyed this page, you might enjoy the comics, links, and cuddly tutorials on the rest of my homepage; just click here to find out

This page was last updated on Dec. 16th
You are visitor since this page was opened on January 29th, 1997.
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