Dragan Milicev, Ph.D.


University of Belgrade
School of Electrical Engineering  (ETF)
Department of Computer and Software Engineering

POB 35-54, 11120 Belgrade, Serbia

E-mail: dmilicev@etf.rs

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Features and News

 Biographical Information

 Work Information



Note: Some parts of this personal home page are in Serbian. Links to these parts are labeled with (S).

Features and News

Nova knjiga: D. Milićev, "Osnovi operativnih sistema", Mikro kjniga, 2020.

Novi slajdovi za predavanja iz predmeta "Objektno orijentisano programiranje"

The picoC++ Porgramming Language: my small educational invention and public proposal (May 2018). picoC++ is a tiny subset of C++ with simplified syntax and semantics, but compatible with standard C++, suitable for use in teaching operating systems, compilers, and computer architecture, as well as for beginners in OOP with the flavor of C++. The pC++ Programming language - Instructors Handbook. The target picoRISC processor and its assembly specification.

SOLoist: a Java and executable UML-based framework rapid model-drivent development of information systems

 A book published by Wiley:

Milicev, D., "Model-Driven Development with Executable UML," Wiley/Wrox, July 2009, ISBN 9780470481639, 816 pages

Also translated to Chinese and published by Tsinghua University Press, Beijing

Also visit my profiles at LinkedIn and ResearchGate (may be, but not necessarily, more up to date)

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Biographical Information

 Born in Belgrade, 1968. Educated in Belgrade. Dipl. ing. in Electrical Engineering (1993), MSc in Software Engineering (1995), PhD in Software Engineering (2001), all from the University of Belgrade, School of Electrical Engineering.

 Married since 1994 with Snezana Milicev. Born in Belgrade, 1970. Educated in Belgrade. BSc in Mechanical Engineering, MSc in Fluid Mechanics, PhD in Fluid Mechanics, all from the University of Belgrade, School of Mechanical Engineering. Works as an  assistant professor at the same school.

 Three children, Milo� (2003), Mina (2003), and Jovan (2005)

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Work Information

Teaching at the University of Belgrade. Fields: model-driven development, object-oriented programming, operating systems, real-time systems.

 Teaching and training in industry. Commercial courses. Fields: object-oriented technology, model-driven development, UML, information systems.

 Consulting, project management.

 Participation in many international software development projects as a chief software architect, project manager, consultant, or software developer. Industrial experience since 1986.

 Research in computer science. Fields: software engineering, model-driven development, object-oriented information systems, UML.

 Founder of SOL Software d.o.o., www.sol.rs

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Undergraduate courses at ETF:

 Operating Systems 1 and Operating Systems 2 (S)

 Object-Oriented Programming (S)

 Real-Time Programming (S)

Doctoral courses at ETF:

 Operating Systems (advanced course)

 Model-Driven Development

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