Dr Dejan V. Tosic
University of Belgrade, School of Electrical Engineering, Belgrade, SERBIA

SchematicSolver 2 a Mathematica software package for mixed symbolic-numeric analysis, processing, and design of analog and digital systems. Buy SchematicSolver 2 online at the Wolfram Research WebStore. Download the manual to see application examples.

Curriculum Vitae (in Serbian) PDF 300 KB
              Dr. Dejan V. Tosic, Full Professor

School of Electrical Engineering
University of Belgrade
Bulevar kralja Aleksandra 73
PO Box 35-54
11120 Belgrade
SERBIA, Europe

fax: +381.11.3248681
phone: +381.11.337.007.4
phone: +381.11.3218.338
room: 80
Dejan V. Tosic

Miroslav D. Lutovac, Dejan V. Tosic, Brian L. Evans, Filter Design for Signal Processing using MATLAB® and Mathematica®. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall, 785 pages, 1st edition, ISBN 0-201-36130-2, ©2001.
---, Reprint by Publishing House of Electronics Industry PHEI, Beijing, P. R. China, ISBN 7-5053-7977-1, ©2002
---, Translated in Chinese, Publishing House of Electronics Industry, PHEI, Beijing, P. R. China, ISBN 7-5053-8710-3, ©2004.

Read Foreword by Prof. George S. Moschytz

LUTOVAC, TOSIC, EVANS, Filter Design for Signal Processing Using MATLAB and Mathematica. Prentice Hall, ©2001 LUTOVAC, TOSIC, EVANS, Filter Design for Signal Processing Using MATLAB and Mathematica (in Chinese). PHEI, ©2004
Last updated 2019.08.15 21:55. This page is maintained by D. V. Tosic. Please, send comments to tosic@etf.bg.ac.rs