Marija S. Todorovic. B.Sc. Engineering and Ph.D in Thermodynamics - University of Belgrade, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering Belgrade. Currently: Full Professor of Thermodynamics, Faculty of Agriculture, University of Belgrade. Specialization, Technical University, West Berlin. Postdoctoral Research-Fulbright Scholar, UC Berkeley, California, USA. Adjunct professor at the Architectural Engineering Department, University of Kansas, Kansas, USA. Former Scientific Secretary of the International Center for Heat and Mass Transfer, Belgrade. A member of the Scientific Committee of the I and II World Conference on Experimental Heat Transfer, Thermodynamics and Fluid Mechanics. A member of the Organizing Committee and invited speaker for the ISES Solar World Congress, Budapest, 1993. Former: Chairman of European UNESCO/ESSEN Working Group "Solar Water Heating Systems"..Former vice-president of the C2 Commission and member of B2 Commission of IIF, Paris. Founder and head of the Laboratory for Thermodynamics and Termotechnics at the University of Belgrade, performing studies in the field of basic and applied thermal sciences related to energy conversion and conservation, solar energy conversion and storage and biotechnology. Designer, reviewer and consultant of a numerous thermal processing, energy conservation, solar thermal and integrated energy projects (some of them are the largest and most successful solar systems in Yugoslavia and Europe). A member of ASME and ASHRAE Technical Committee for solar energy utilization. Awarded for "Innovations" by the Belgrade and Novi Sad Fair. Published and presented over 160 scientific and technical papers. Has been invited as a plenary keynote lecturer to 9 international conferences. Published 5 books. Has been teaching undergraduate and graduate level courses in Thermodynamics, Heat and Mass Transfer, Solar Energy utilization, Solar Thermal Systems, Transport Phenomena, Modeling and Optimization of Solar Thermal and PV Systems and Building Thermal Sciences.

e-mail: deresmt@EUnet.yu