Education and Research at the Faculty of Agriculture - Belgrade



Prof. dr Z. Gajic, 
Vice-Dean of the Agricultural Faculty, 
University of Belgrade, 

To The Participants of the Virtual Electronic Educational Workshop

Faculties activities

  • Teaching and research underpin agriculture,s dynamic development,
  • Promotion of Yugoslav agriculture, one of the strong points of the economy.
The roots of teaching agriculture in Serbia go back to the second half of 19th century, i.e. to 1853 when junior agricultural school was founded. The Faculty was actually founded in 1919 although it had been anticipated by the 1905 University Act to found an agricultural department at the Faculty of Phylosophy one of six faculties which Belgrade University then had.

From the very beginning 43 subjects were taught divided into three groups: general, vocational and subsidiary.

In 1970 the Faculty of Agriculture was reorganized. At present, the Faculty is organized into eight teaching departments and research institutes.

Teaching departments:

Plant Production
Fruit and Viticulture
Animal Production
Plant Protection
Agricultural Mechanization
Food Technology, and 
Research Institutes:
Plant Sciences
Fruit and Viticulture Sciences
Animal Sciences
Plant Protection Sciences
Agricultural Mechanization Sciences
Soil Science and Melioration
Food Technology Sciences
Agro-economics and Management
Undergraduate studies

Students must ordinarily spend at least four years in the Faculty to qualify to graduation.
Nine types of course lead to the degree of 


Agricultural engineer for plant production
Agricultural engineer for fruit and vituculture
Agricultural engineer for animal production
Agricultural engineer for plant protection
Agricultural engineer for mechanization
Agricultural engineer for melioration
Agricultural engineer for agro-economics
Engineer for technology of plant origin foods
Engineer for technology of animal origin foods.

Postgraduate studies

Several types of postgraduate courses are offered in the Fasculty of Agriculture. Courses of up to
one year,s instruction lead to the degree of Specialist, and courses covering two years, partly of instruction and partly of independent work, lead to the degree of Master of Science (MrSci).
Postgraduate and doctor,s training for an MrSci and DrSci are: Learning to dicsover or revise scientific truths.


Besides the snccessful education, the Faculty has made a significant contribution to the

  • Development of agricultural science
  • Advancement of productrion, and
  • Processing of agricultural products during past 80-years.
 Faculties and Staff Personnel
  • Professors and assistants 293
  • Technical staff 214
  • Total 507
Number of students
  • Undergraduates 3410
  • Postgraduates 1053
The Faculty plays a significant role by producing some 420 agronomists yearly, trained to understand the agricultural world and its techniques in all their aspects and to assume active responsibility and modern management.

The academic affairs ot he Faculty are goverend by the Dean of the Faculty and Administrative Board. Dean is chosen among the Professors and serves for a two-year term. He is assisted by a Vice-Deans who deal among other things, with the organisation of undergraduate and postgraduate studies, research, and many day-to-day administrative matters.