Predmet: Specijalni postupci spajanja


A. Sedmak, V. Šijački Žeravčić, A. Milosavljević, V. Đorđević, M. Vukićević, Mašinski materijali, drugi deo, Mašinski fakultet, Beograd, 2000.

Pisani izvodi sa predavanja i vežbanja (skripte/handouts).

Internet resursi.


1.     H. Cary, S. Helzer, Modern Welding Technology, 6th Ed., Prentice Hall, 2005, p. 736.

2.     W.A. Bowditch, K.E. Bowditch, A.D. Althouse, C.H. Turnquist, Modern Welding, 10th Ed., Goodheart-Wilcox Publisher, 2004.

3.     J. Norrish, Advanced Welding Processes, Woodhead Publishing Ltd., 2006, p. 304.

4.     N. Ahmed, New Developments in Advanced Welding, CRC Press, 2005, p. 298.

5.     S. Gibson, Advanced Welding, Thomson Learning, 1997, p. 320.

6.     K. Weman, Welding Processes Handbook, Woodhead Publishing Ltd., 2003, p. 208.

7.     R.S. Mishra, M.W. Mahoney, T.J. Lienert, K.V. Jata (Eds.), Friction Stir Welding and Processing, TMS, 2007.

8.     V. Petushkov, V. Simonov, V. Sedykh, Y. Fadeenko, Explosion Welding Criteria, Gordon and Breach, 1994, p. 127.

9.     Explosive Welding, Forming and Compaction, Kluwer Academic Publishers Group, 1983, p. 400.

10.  H. Schultz, Electron Beam Welding, Woodhead Publishing Ltd., 1994, p. 240.

11.  C.T. Dawes, Laser Welding: A Practical Guide, Woodhead Publishing Ltd., 1992, p. 272.

12.  Laser Welding, Core Research from TWI, Woodhead Publishing Ltd., 2000, p. 106.

13.  P. Seyffarth, I. Krivstun, Laser-Arc Processes and Their Applications in Welding and Material Treatment, Taylor & Francis Books Ltd., 2002, p. 200.

14.  J. Nixon, Underwater Repair Technology, Woodhead Publishing Ltd., 2000, p. 128.

15.  Underwater wet welding and cutting, Proc. Intern. Seminar organised by TWI Middlesbrough with Paton Welding Institute, Ukraine, Woodhead Publishing Ltd., 1998, p. 118.

16.  Y. Zhou (Ed.), Microjoining and Nanojoining, 2008, p. 500.