Here are couple of programs to do some usefull stuff on your Casio and my aim while writing them was to make programs which will run on every Casio calculator. So here is a small but, hopefully, growing collection for low-end calculators (no matrices, no integration/derivation, no combinations, no permutations, no F-memories...
Of course, you are free to edit them as you wish to suit your own needs, but I will ask you not to sell any of them, nor to say that you coded them :)
Clicking on the program name will give you the program itself, while clicking on the short description will show you the documentation.
Math Programs: Name Size Short description
RK.ctx 150 bytes - Diff. equation solver (4th orderRunge-Kutta) SOL.ctx 76 bytes - Non-linear equation solver (Newton's method) DER.ctx 42 bytes - Numerical derivation DIN.ctx 361 bytes - Double integral solver IPL.ctx 122 bytes - Implicit function sketcher
Photography Programs: Name Size Short description
DOF.ctx 122 bytes - Depth of Field FLA.ctx 26 bytes - Flash Calculations BOU.ctx 48 bytes - Flash Bounce
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