journal of slavic folkloristics and ethno-lingvistics

No. 1


Tatiana Agapkina, Moscow


Systematic description (thesaurus type) of plants' symbolism containing around 200 differential traces is proposed. This description model, based on trees, is illustrated mainly with Polish and Slovak examples connected with language, mythical, ritual and folklore characteristics of aspen (Populus tremula).
The Slavic world is divided in two regions according to nomination types of aspen: East and West Slavic: osina, osika, ocika and South Slavic jasika; and South Slavic trepetljika, on the other side.
Myths concerning aspen origin are not numerous, they are connected with the Devil. More frequent are myths with apocryphal elements about malediction of aspen to tremble and to be fruitless. The reasons for this are following: Christ's cross being made of aspen, aspen betrayed St. Mary and Christ running away, aspen did not calm at Christ's birth, and Judas hanged himself upon aspen.
Aspen does not appear as a world tree or ritual object. An example of a relationship between human being and the tree is exchange between human being and aspen in folk medicine. Aspen is also used in folk veterinary medicine. The aspen is a kind of mediator, it enables connection with demons. The aspen is involved in folk stories about a musician who wakes up with aspen leaves in hand instead of money. The demons gather round and walk by the aspen, it is used as an instrument in demonic activities. With aspen sticks the area is protected, e.g., cradle of a crying child. The stable, garden, cattle are protected, also. Aspen sticks are used for destroying vampires or walking dead by stabbing their hearts. The author cites folklore text examples with the aspen, such as laments, curses, incantations and proverbs.

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