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Newbie's Linux Manual
How Do I Create, Compile And Run a C Program?
by Laurence Hunter
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A 5 Minute Course in C

For now it's not important that you understand all them cryptic C commands. All that matters is that minutes from now, you'll have learnt how to create a program in C, compile it and run it. Then you can act all smug in front of your mates. ;)

- 1 -

At the command line, pick a directory to save you program and enter:

pico firstprog.c


All C source code files must have a .c file extension.

- 2 -

Enter the following program:

#include <stdio.h> int main() { int index; for (index = 0; index < 7; index = index + 1) printf ("Hello World!\n"); return 0; }

- 3 -

Press Ctrl+O to save the file and Ctrl+X to exit.

- 4 -


gcc -o myprog firstprog.c create an executable called myprog from your source code (firstprog.c).

Here's a detailed discussion of the line above:

  1. gcc (GNU C Compiler) is passed...
  2. ...-o which means give the executable the name that follows (i.e. myprog)...
  3. ...and the program to compile (referred to as the "source code") is firstprog.c.

- 5 -

To run the program, enter:


When you want to run an executable that's not in your current directory, enter the relative or absolute path to the executable. It's only when the executable is in your current directory that you have to precede it's filename with ./ .

The ./ is used to combat trojans, programs used by crackers to circumvent a system's security by "sneaking through a back door".


>> C Language Tutorial -- An excellent C manual, available to read online and to download.

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