Vladimir Nikčević, dipl-Ing.

Are you an employer?
If you are an employer, please download my resume in PDF format (below). That should clarify some of the Links in Black (above). Following that, you can either check my contact details (above) and hereby I'm granting you approval to use them, or hire me directly on UpWork or Freelancer platforms (below).

HOWEVER, by downloading my resume you are stating and accepting status and responsibiliteis of an employer so watch your clicks! :)

In brief, you'll find out that I'm a graduated engineer who started career at the University of Belgrade but gave up teaching others and instead spent most of his working days on various Projects accross several contients, mostly in the field of IT but also in the field of accounting as well.

So, you're not an employer...
Then what are you doing on my Resume page in the first place? Go back to "Are you an employer?" section above and read more carefully.